Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 40)


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S. 1583 — “A bill to require the Secretary of State to submit to Congress classified dissent cables relating to the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan.”

S. 1584 — “RAISE Act of 2023”

S. 1585 — “Federal Law Enforcement Service Weapon Purchase Act”

S. 1586 — “Educating Future Nurses Act”

S. 1587 — “Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act”

S. 1588 — “Respect for Grieving Military Families Act”

S. 1589 — “Safeguarding Patients and Taxpayers Act”

S. 159 — “Human Trafficking Survivor Tax Relief Act”

S. 1590 — “Justice for ALS Veterans Act of 2023”

S. 1591 — “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 1592 — “Occupational Therapy Mental Health Parity Act”

S. 1593 — “Extending WIC for New Moms Act”

S. 1594 — “Social Determinants for Moms Act”

S. 1595 — “End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act of 2023”

S. 1596 — “REAL Political Advertisements Act”

S. 1597 — “Protecting Children From Experimentation Act of 2023”

S. 1598 — “Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights Act of 2023”

S. 1599 — “Data to Save Moms Act”

S. 16 — “Protecting Life on College Campus Act of 2023”

S. 160 — “Sarah's Law”

S. 1600 — “Border Management, Security, and Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 1601 — “Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act”

S. 1602 — “Moms Matter Act”

S. 1603 — “Maternal Vaccinations Act”

S. 1604 — “WIC Act of 2023”

S. 1605 — “Maternal Health Pandemic Response Act”

S. 1606 — “Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act”

S. 1607 — “Repair Abuses of MSP Payments (RAMP) Act”

S. 1608 — “Starr–Camargo Bridge Expansion Act”

S. 1609 — “Support Our Election Workers Act”

S. 161 — “JOBS Act of 2023”

S. 1610 — “Protecting Service Members and Military Families’ Access to Reproductive Care Act of 2023”

S. 1611 — “Community Connect Grant Program Act of 2023”

S. 1612 — “Reimburse Veterans for Domiciliary Care Act”

S. 1613 — “Feral Swine Eradication Act”

S. 1614 — “Lacey Act Amendments of 2023”

S. 1615 — “Regulatory Accountability Act”

S. 1616 — “Judiciary Act of 2023”

S. 1617 — “Protect Our Heroes Act of 2023”

S. 1618 — “Employee Equity Investment Act of 2023”

S. 1619 — “Disrupt Fentanyl Trafficking Act of 2023”

S. 162 — “Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act”

S. 1620 — “Fort Gillem Defense Forensics Enhancement Act of 2023”

S. 1621 — “Military Mental Health Professionals Support Act of 2023”

S. 1622 — “End Speculative Oil and Gas Leasing Act of 2023”

S. 1623 — “Fort Gordon Child Development Center Expansion Act”

S. 1624 — “Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0”

S. 1625 — “Help Independent Tracks Succeed Act”

S. 1626 — “AI Shield for Kids Act”

S. 1627 — “PRECEPT Nurses Act”

S. 1628 — “America Grows Act of 2023”

S. 1629 — “Hatch Act Enforcement Transparency and Accountability Act”

S. 163 — “SHORT Act”

S. 1630 — “Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation Act”

S. 1631 — “Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2023”

S. 1632 — “Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety and Oversight Improvements Act of 2023”

S. 1633 — “United States Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act of 2023”

S. 1634 — “Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act”

S. 1635 — “Department of Veterans Affairs Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Processing Claims Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 1636 — “Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act”

S. 1637 — “Combating BDS Act of 2023”

S. 1638 — “Protecting Ballot Measures from Foreign Influence Act”

S. 1639 — “Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Nutrition Act of 2023”

S. 164 — “Doss's Act”

S. 1640 — “Empowering Law Enforcement Act of 2023”

S. 1641 — “Upholding a Secure Postal System Act”

S. 1642 — “ReConnecting Rural America Act of 2023”

S. 1643 — “Reclaiming the Solar Supply Chain Act of 2023”

S. 1644 — “Veterans’ True Choice Act of 2023”

S. 1645 — “Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2023”

S. 1646 — “Gang Activity Reporting Act of 2023”

S. 1647 — “Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 1648 — “Launch Communications Act”

S. 1649 — “LICENSE Act of 2023”

S. 165 — “Let Them Learn Act”

S. 1650 — “Taxpayers and Savers Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1651 — “Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act”

S. 1652 — “Safeguarding American Value-added Exports Act of 2023”

S. 1653 — “Prevent BLEEDing Act”

S. 1654 — “Credit Access and Inclusion Act of 2023”

S. 1655 — “Medicare for All Act”

S. 1656 — “My Body, My Data Act of 2023”

S. 1657 — “La Paz County Solar Energy and Job Creation Act”

S. 1658 — “Law Enforcement Officers Parity Act”

S. 1659 — “Sustain Regional Air Travel Act”

S. 166 — “HEALING Mothers and Fathers Act”

S. 1660 — “SNAP Education Allocation Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 1661 — “Strength in Diversity Act of 2023”

S. 1662 — “Pilot Butte Power Plant Conveyance Act”

S. 1663 — “Strengthening Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 1664 — “Healthy Families Act”

S. 1665 — “Higher Education Mental Health Act of 2023”

S. 1666 — “Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2023”

S. 1667 — “America’s CHILDREN Act of 2023”

S. 1668 — “Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act”

S. 1669 — “AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023”

S. 167 — “No Vaccine Mandates Act of 2023”

S. 1670 — “TRICARE Fairness for National Guard and Reserve Retirees Act”

S. 1671 — “Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023”

S. 1672 — “Disclose Government Censorship Act”

S. 1673 — “Protecting Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act of 2023”

S. 1674 — “No START Treaty Act”

S. 1675 — “SAP Act”

S. 1676 — “RTCP Revitalization Act”

S. 1677 — “Democracy Restoration Act of 2023”

S. 1678 — “VET–TEC Authorization Act of 2023”

S. 1679 — “Stop Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act”

S. 168 — “PASS Act of 2023”

S. 1680 — “Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act”

S. 1681 — “Uranium Miners and Workers Act of 2023”

S. 1682 — “Housing Supply Expansion Act”

S. 1683 — “Kids Fly Safe Act”

S. 1684 — “Feeding Our Rural Kids Act of 2023”

S. 1685 — “Supercomputing for Safer Chemicals Act”

S. 1686 — “Reforming Disaster Recovery Act”

S. 1687 — “Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification 2.0 Act”

S. 1688 — “Yes In My Backyard Act”

S. 1689 — “Combatting Fentanyl Trafficking from China and Mexico Act”

S. 169 — “Parental Rights Protection Act”

S. 1690 — “Conservation Opportunity and Voluntary Environment Resilience Program Act of 2023”

S. 1691 — “Healthcare Enrollment Reform Modernization And Navigation Act”

S. 1692 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow for payments to certain individuals who dye fuel, and for other purposes.”

S. 1693 — “Forest Service Flexible Housing Partnerships Act of 2023”

S. 1694 — “Federal Insurance Office Abolishment Act of 2023”

S. 1695 — “American Infrastructure Bonds Act of 2023”

S. 1696 — “Portable Benefits for Independent Workers Pilot Program Act”

S. 1697 — “Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act of 2023”

S. 1698 — “Affordability is Access Act of 2023”

S. 1699 — “Tech to Save Moms Act”

S. 17 — “Sunlight for Unaccountable Non-profits (SUN) Act”

S. 170 — “A bill to establish a Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan to conduct a full investigation and compile a joint report on the United States withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

S. 1700 — “Pursuing Equity in Mental Health Act”

S. 1701 — “NIH Clinical Trial Diversity Act of 2023”

S. 1702 — “Teaching Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History Act”

S. 1703 — “PACE Part D Choice Act of 2023”

S. 1704 — “Electric Vehicles for All Act of 2023”

S. 1705 — “STEM Education in Accounting Act”

S. 1706 — “Main Street Tax Certainty Act”

S. 1707 — “BAN Fossil Fuel Exports Act”

S. 1708 — “Extinction Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 1709 — “Empower Parents to Protect Their Kids Act of 2023”

S. 171 — “Ending Discrimination in COVID–19 Treatments Act”

S. 1710 — “Perinatal Workforce Act”

S. 1711 — “Uniform Postal Data Acquisition for Transparency and Early Detection within the United States Postal Service Act”

S. 1712 — “Reciprocity Ensures Streamlined Use of Lifesaving Treatments Act of 2023”

S. 1713 — “Rural Housing Accessibility Act”

S. 1714 — “FAMILY Act”

S. 1715 — “Wildfire Emergency Act of 2023”

S. 1716 — “Chemical and Biological Defense Program Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 1717 — “Supporting American Independence in Innovation Act of 2023”

S. 1718 — “Primacy Certainty Act of 2023”

S. 1719 — “FIRESHEDS Act”

S. 172 — “No Mask Mandates Act of 2023”

S. 1720 — “Indo-Pacific Strategic Energy Initiative Act”

S. 1721 — “Military Facilities Upgrades Act”

S. 1722 — “AIR PUMP Act”

S. 1723 — “Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act”

S. 1724 — “Bicycle Commuter Act of 2023”

S. 1725 — “Red Tape Reduction Act of 2023”

S. 1726 — “WOLF Act of 2023”

S. 1727 — “Safe Environment from Countries Under Repression and Emergency Act”

S. 1728 — “Dark Web Interdiction Act of 2023”

S. 1729 — “HELP Act of 2023”

S. 173 — “Ethan's Law”

S. 1730 — “Data on Interactions and Accountability for Law Enforcement with Individuals with Disabilities Act”

S. 1731 — “Safe Interactions Act of 2023”

S. 1732 — “Know Your App Act”

S. 1733 — “POLICE Act of 2023”

S. 1734 — “SARFA Act”

S. 1735 — “Community Wood Facilities Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 1736 — “Farmers First Act of 2023”

S. 1737 — “Responsible Firearms Marketing Act”

S. 1738 — “Build Housing with Care Act of 2023”

S. 1739 — “Small Business Innovation Voucher Act of 2023”

S. 174 — “Conservation Reserve Program Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 1740 — “Community College Agriculture Advancement Act of 2023”

S. 1741 — “No Fuel Credits for Batteries Act of 2023”

S. 1742 — “Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2023”

S. 1743 — “Forest Data Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 1744 — “SCORE for Small Business Act of 2023”

S. 1745 — “Protecting Veteran Community Care Act”


S. 1747 — “Neighbors Not Enemies Act”

S. 1748 — “Interregional Transmission Planning Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 1749 — “Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act”

S. 175 — “A bill to codify certain public land orders relating to the revocation of certain withdrawals of public land in the State of Alaska.”

S. 1750 — “Keeping All Students Safe Act”

S. 1751 — “Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2023”

S. 1752 — “Fair and Open Skies Act”

S. 1753 — “Re-Entry Support Through Opportunities for Resources and Essentials Act of 2023”

S. 1754 — “Smarter Approaches to Nuclear Expenditures Act”

S. 1755 — “Sergeant First Class Michael Clark TRICARE Reserve Parity Act”

S. 1756 — “Fishing Industry Credit Enhancement Act of 2023”

S. 1757 — “Workforce Development Through Post-Graduation Scholarships Act of 2023”

S. 1758 — “Fair Courts Act of 2023”

S. 1759 — “A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 25 Dorchester Avenue, Room 1, in Boston, Massachusetts, as the "Caroline Chang Post Office".”

S. 176 — “Expanding Agricultural Exports Act of 2023”

S. 1760 — “Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer and Authorization Act Amendments Act”

S. 1761 — “Red Tape Reduction Act of 2023”

S. 1762 — “Protecting our Students in Schools Act of 2023”

S. 1763 — “Small Business Wildfire Smoke Recovery Act”

S. 1764 — “Western Wildfire Support Act of 2023”

S. 1765 — “Emergency Vacating of Aircraft Cabin Act”

S. 1766 — “Department of Defense Overdose Data Act of 2023”

S. 1767 — “Hazard Pay for Health Care Heroes Act”

S. 1768 — “Taliban Sanctions Act of 2023”

S. 1769 — “Kickstarting Innovative Demonstrations Supporting Kids Health Act of 2023”

S. 177 — “Zero Food Waste Act”

S. 1770 — “Uyghur Genocide Accountability and Sanctions Act of 2023”

S. 1771 — “CASE LOAD Act of 2023”

S. 1772 — “Comprehensive National Mercury Monitoring Act”

S. 1773 — “Stop Mental Health Stigma in Our Communities Act”

S. 1774 — “Advancing Student Services In Schools Today Act”

S. 1775 — “Tracking Receipts to Adversarial Countries for Knowledge of Spending Act”

S. 1776 — “Protecting Unique and Beautiful Landscapes by Investing in California Lands Act”

S. 1777 — “Abraham Accords Cybersecurity Cooperation Act of 2023”

S. 1778 — “Agrivoltaics Research and Demonstration Act of 2023”

S. 1779 — “Electric Motorcycle Parity Act of 2023”

S. 178 — “Airline Passengers' Bill of Rights”

S. 1780 — “PRIME Meat Processing in Indian Country Act”

S. 1781 — “A bill to amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to provide a uniform 8-digit subheading number for all whiskies.”

S. 1782 — “Formula 3.0 Act”

S. 1783 — “A bill to provide for the equitable settlement of certain Indian land disputes regarding land in Illinois, and for other purposes.”

S. 1784 — “Mental Health Workforce and Language Access Act of 2023”

S. 1785 — “Stop Fentanyl Overdoses Act of 2023”

S. 1786 — “Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1787 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide special rules for purposes of determining if financial guaranty insurance companies are qualifying insurance corporations under the passive foreign investment company rules.”

S. 1788 — “A bill to require the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to update the Post-delisting Monitoring Plan for the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf, and for other purposes.”

S. 1789 — “PLUS for Veterans Act of 2023”

S. 179 — “COMPOST Act”

S. 1790 — “Failed Bank Executives Clawback Act”

S. 1791 — “China Defense Spending Transparency Act”

S. 1792 — “CARE Act of 2023”

S. 1793 — “Grid Resiliency Tax Credit”

S. 1794 — “A bill to waive time limitations in order to allow the Medal of Honor to be awarded to Gary Lee McKiddy, of Miamisburg, Ohio, for acts of valor while a helicopter crew chief and door gunner with the 1st Calvary Division during the Vietnam War.”

S. 1795 — “Fairness in Higher Education Accreditation Act”

S. 1796 — “Joint Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Safety Act”

S. 1797 — “IMPACT to Save Moms Act”

S. 1798 — “Offices of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction and Health Security Act of 2023”

S. 1799 — “Putting Investors First Act of 2023”

S. 18 — “Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act”

S. 180 — “Block Grant Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 1800 — “Advancing FASD Research, Services and Prevention Act”

S. 1801 — “Language-Inclusive Support and Transparency for Online Services Act of 2023”

S. 1802 — “United States-Israel Future of Warfare Act of 2023”

S. 1803 — “Protecting Air Ambulance Services for Americans Act of 2023”

S. 1804 — “Facilitating America's Siting of Transmission and Electric Reliability Act of 2023”

S. 1805 — “Affordable Housing Bond Enhancement Act”

S. 1806 — “Ocean Regional Opportunity and Innovation Act of 2023”

S. 1807 — “Stop the Outlay of Payments Act”

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