Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 39)


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S. 1358 — “Lake Access Keeping Economies Strong Act”

S. 1359 — “CLAIM Act”

S. 136 — “ISA Student Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1360 — “PFAS Exposure Assessment and Documentation Act”

S. 1361 — “A bill to amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to provide for floodplain easement restoration and management, and for other purposes.”

S. 1362 — “Transparency in CFPB Cost-Benefit Analysis Act”

S. 1363 — “Repeal CFPB Act”

S. 1364 — “Foreign Agents Disclosure and Registration Enhancement Act of 2023”

S. 1365 — “Conservation Reserve Program Amendments Act of 2023”

S. 1366 — “Forest Incentives Program Act of 2023”

S. 1367 — “HELLPP Act”

S. 1368 — “Preventing PLA Acquisition of United States Technology Act of 2023”

S. 1369 — “Fair Access to Small Business Lending Act of 2023”

S. 137 — “Fred Korematsu Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023”

S. 1370 — “PREPARE Act of 2023”

S. 1371 — “Small Business Credit Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1372 — “Preventing SBA Assistance from Going to China Act of 2023”

S. 1373 — “Naloxone Affordability Act of 2023”

S. 1374 — “Patient Right to Shop Act”

S. 1375 — “HELP Copays Act”

S. 1376 — “Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act”

S. 1377 — “Visitable Inclusive Tax credits for Accessible Living (VITAL) Act”

S. 1378 — “Connecting Our Medical Providers with Links to Expand Tailored and Effective Care”

S. 1379 — “Excess Urban Heat Mitigation Act of 2023”

S. 138 — “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Conflict Act”

S. 1380 — “Neighborhood Tree Act of 2023”

S. 1381 — “Coastal Habitat Conservation Act of 2023”

S. 1382 — “Protecting Our Supreme Court Justices Act of 2023”

S. 1383 — “HEAR Act of 2023”

S. 1384 — “Living Donor Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1385 — “Recreation for All Act”

S. 1386 — “Vieques Recovery and Redevelopment Act”

S. 1387 — “Project Safe Neighborhoods Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 1388 — “UAS Integration Research Act of 2023”

S. 1389 — “Rural Housing Service Reform Act of 2023”

S. 139 — “Organized Retail Crime Center Authorization Act of 2023”

S. 1390 — “Solidify Iran Sanctions Act of 2023”

S. 1391 — “Election Mail Act”

S. 1392 — “Citizenship for Essential Workers Act”

S. 1393 — “Sunlight in Workplace Harassment Act”

S. 1394 — “Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act of 2023”

S. 1395 — “A bill to temporarily suspend the debt limit through December 31, 2024.”

S. 1396 — “Research Advancing to Market Production for Innovators Act”

S. 1397 — “Educational Opportunity and Success Act of 2023”

S. 1398 — “Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act”

S. 1399 — “Building American Energy Security Act of 2023”

S. 14 — “Age 21 Act”

S. 140 — “Combating Organized Retail Crime Act of 2023”

S. 1400 — “Increased TSP Access Act of 2023”

S. 1401 — “Federal Prison Oversight Act”

S. 1402 — “Minority Entrepreneurship Grant Program Act of 2023”

S. 1403 — “Medical Student Education Authorization Act of 2023”

S. 1404 — “Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1405 — “Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration Exchange Act of 2023”

S. 1406 — “Targeting Child Predators Act of 2023”

S. 1407 — “A bill to amend the Small Business Act to eliminate certain requirements relating to the award of construction subcontracts within the county or State of performance.”

S. 1408 — “Ending Forced Arbitration of Race Discrimination Act of 2023”

S. 1409 — “Kids Online Safety Act”

S. 141 — “Elizabeth Dole Home and Community Based Services for Veterans and Caregivers Act of 2023”

S. 1410 — “Energy Consumer Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1411 — “Prove It Act of 2023”

S. 1412 — “Journalist Protection Act”

S. 1413 — “A bill to amend chapter 62 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to modify the requirements for a garment to be considered water resistant.”

S. 1414 — “National Weather Service Communications Improvement Act”

S. 1415 — “Promoting Rural Exports Act of 2023”

S. 1416 — “NOAA Weather Radio Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 1417 — “Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act”

S. 1418 — “Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act”

S. 1419 — “ERASER Act”

S. 142 — “Preserve Access to Affordable Generics and Biosimilars Act”

S. 1420 — “Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act of 2023”

S. 1421 — “COOL Online Act”

S. 1422 — “Sexual Abuse Services in Detention Act”

S. 1423 — “Sickle Cell Care Expansion Act of 2023”

S. 1424 — “Dental and Optometric Care Access Act of 2023”

S. 1425 — “Satellite Cybersecurity Act”

S. 1426 — “Resilience Investment, Support, and Expansion from Trauma Act”

S. 1427 — “Agriculture PFAS Liability Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1428 — “A bill to require a report on efforts by Venezuelan state actors and transnational criminal organizations to capture and detain United States citizens as hostages.”

S. 1429 — “Resource Management PFAS Liability Protection Act of 2023”

S. 143 — “Turn Off Federal Funding of Threatening Entities that Thwart American Prosperity Act”

S. 1430 — “Water Systems PFAS Liability Protection Act”

S. 1431 — “Agency Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 1432 — “Fire Suppression PFAS Liability Protection Act”

S. 1433 — “Airports PFAS Liability Protection Act”

S. 1434 — “Corporate Responsibility for Child Labor Elimination Act of 2023”

S. 1435 — “A bill to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health.”

S. 1436 — “CHARGE Act of 2023”

S. 1437 — “Energy Security for Overseas Troops Act”

S. 1438 — “Small Community Air Service Enhancement Act”

S. 1439 — “Quantum Sandbox for Near-Term Applications Act of 2023”

S. 144 — “No Chinese Communist Subterfuge via Unregistered Regime Presence Rendered Invisible to Shareholders and Equivalent Parties Act”

S. 1440 — “Transit to Trails Act”

S. 1441 — “Accelerating Biomedical Innovation Act”

S. 1442 — “Scaling Community Lenders Act of 2023”

S. 1443 — “Protecting the Border from Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act”

S. 1444 — “Border Patrol Enhancement Act”

S. 1445 — “Stand Your Ground Act of 2023”

S. 1446 — “Nurse Corps Tax Parity Act of 2023”

S. 1447 — “Bipartisan Solution to Cyclical Violence Act of 2023”

S. 1448 — “Grandfamily Housing Act of 2023”

S. 1449 — “RESTART Act”

S. 145 — “Accountability in Federal Acquisitions and Contracting Act of 2023”

S. 1450 — “Cutting Medicare Prescription Drug Prices in Half Act”

S. 1451 — “Healthy Competition for Better Care Act”

S. 1452 — “Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023”

S. 1453 — “Lifting Our Communities through Advance Liquidity for Infrastructure Act”

S. 1454 — “Athlete Opportunity and Taxpayer Integrity Act”

S. 1455 — “Rural Jobs Act”

S. 1456 — “SPUR Act”

S. 1457 — “Taiwan Tax Agreement Act of 2023”

S. 1458 — “SECURE Small Business Act”

S. 1459 — “MOBILE Act”

S. 146 — “Cap Insulin Prices Act”

S. 1460 — “Firearm Safety Act of 2023”

S. 1461 — “Stop Human Trafficking of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Act of 2023”

S. 1462 — “LEOSA Reform Act”

S. 1463 — “A bill to establish a defense industrial base advanced capabilities pilot program.”

S. 1464 — “Enhancing DHS Drug Seizures Act”

S. 1465 — “Baltic Security Initiative Act”

S. 1466 — “Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act”

S. 1467 — “Access Technology Affordability Act of 2023”

S. 1468 — “Teacher, Principal, and Leader Residency Access Act”

S. 1469 — “Stop Stolen Valor for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Contractors”

S. 147 — “See Something, Say Something Online Act of 2023”

S. 1470 — “Accountability in Women-Owned Small Business Contracting Act”

S. 1471 — “Truncating Onerous Regulations for Partners and Enhancing Deterrence Operations (TORPEDO) Act of 2023”

S. 1472 — “September 11 Day of Remembrance Act”

S. 1473 — “A bill to authorize the immediate expulsion of inadmissible aliens attempting to enter the United States by fraud or without a necessary entry document, and for other purposes.”

S. 1474 — “Dairy Nutrition Incentive Program Act of 2023”

S. 1475 — “Stop Pills That Kill Act”

S. 1476 — “Pharmaceutical Research Transparency Act of 2023”

S. 1477 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the cover over of certain distilled spirits taxes.”

S. 1478 — “A bill to designate United States Route 20 in the States of Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts as the "National Medal of Honor Highway", and for other purposes.”

S. 1479 — “Make the Migrant Protection Protocols Mandatory Act of 2023”

S. 148 — “Stop Significant and Time-wasting Abuse Limiting Legitimate Innovation of New Generics Act”

S. 1480 — “Equitable Access to School Facilities Act”

S. 1481 — “Financial Exploitation Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 1482 — “A bill to provide for the reliquidation of certain entries of golf cart tires.”

S. 1483 — “SPACE Act”

S. 1484 — “Food Date Labeling Act of 2023”

S. 1485 — “Healthy SNAP Act of 2023”

S. 1486 — “Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2023”

S. 1487 — “Protecting Election Administration from Interference Act of 2023”

S. 1488 — “EATS Act of 2023”

S. 1489 — “National Task Force on the COVID-19 Pandemic Act”

S. 149 — “TSP Fiduciary Security Act of 2023”

S. 1490 — “Strategy and Investment in Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2023”

S. 1491 — “Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act”

S. 1492 — “Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Shab-eh-nay Band Reservation Settlement Act of 2023”

S. 1493 — “9–8–8 Lifeline Cybersecurity Responsibility Act”

S. 1494 — “Border's Unused Idle and Lying Dormant Inventory Transfer Act”

S. 1495 — “HEAT Act”

S. 1496 — “Public Service Reform Act”

S. 1497 — “Emergency Access to Insulin Act of 2023”

S. 1498 — “Finish It Act”

S. 1499 — “HALT Act of 2023”

S. 15 — “Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 2023”

S. 150 — “Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act of 2023”

S. 1500 — “SECURE IT Act”

S. 1501 — “Bank Service Company Examination Coordination Act of 2023”

S. 1502 — “Teachers LEAD Act of 2023”

S. 1503 — “A bill to prohibit the use of Department of Defense funds for adult cabaret performances.”

S. 1504 — “Ensuring Peace Through Strength in Israel Act”

S. 1505 — “Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act”

S. 1506 — “FAA Advancements Act”

S. 1507 — “POWER Act”

S. 1508 — “Rhode Island Fishermen's Fairness Act of 2023”

S. 1509 — “Conservation Reserve Program Reform Act of 2023”

S. 151 — “Countering Corporate Corruption in China Act of 2023”

S. 1510 — “GAO Inspector General Parity Act”

S. 1511 — “Campus Free Speech Restoration Act”

S. 1512 — “DIRECT Act of 2023”

S. 1513 — “A bill to direct the Secretary of State to seek to enter into negotiations with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to rename its office the "Taiwan Representative Office", and for other purposes.”

S. 1514 — “HELPER Act of 2023”

S. 1515 — “Retired Pay Restoration Act”

S. 1516 — “Supporting Apprenticeship Colleges Act of 2023”

S. 1517 — “Southeast Asia Partnership Expansion Act”

S. 1518 — “Sensible Classification Act of 2023”

S. 1519 — “Western Hemisphere Security Strategy Act of 2023”

S. 152 — “American Financial Markets Integrity and Security Act”

S. 1520 — “CRACK Act of 2023”

S. 1521 — “Community and Hydropower Improvement Act”

S. 1522 — “A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a study on the designation of biosimilar biological products as interchangeable.”

S. 1523 — “School Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 1524 — “Expanding Whistleblower Protections for Contractors Act of 2023”

S. 1525 — “COLLUDE Act”

S. 1526 — “NTIA Policy and Cybersecurity Coordination Act”

S. 1527 — “Access to Contraception for Servicemembers and Dependents Act of 2023”

S. 1528 — “Disaster Assistance Simplification Act”

S. 1529 — “FIGHT Act of 2023”

S. 153 — “Fair Trade with China Enforcement Act”

S. 1530 — “COPS on the Beat Grant Program Parity Act of 2023”

S. 1531 — “Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act”

S. 1532 — “Alan T. Shao II Fentanyl Public Health Emergency and Overdose Prevention Act”

S. 1533 — “Grayfield Redevelopment and Economic Advancement Through Effective Repurposing and Revitalization of Shopping Centers Act of 2023”

S. 1534 — “Equitable Payments for Nursing Facilities Act of 2023”

S. 1535 — “Wildfire Response Aviation Modernization and Safety Act”

S. 1536 — “Tribal Gaming Regulatory Compliance Act”

S. 1537 — “Raising Tariffs on Imports from China Act of 2023”

S. 1538 — “Living Schoolyards Act of 2023”

S. 1539 — “American Prairie Conservation Act”

S. 154 — “PART Act”

S. 1540 — “A bill to amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide for circumstances under which reinitiation of consultation is not required under a land and resource management plan or land use plan under those Acts, and for other purposes.”

S. 1541 — “Classification Reform Act of 2023”

S. 1542 — “Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging Act”

S. 1543 — “A bill to require regulations concerning the disclosure of direct and indirect compensation from entities providing pharmacy benefit management services or third-party administration services.”

S. 1544 — “Facilitating Innovative Nuclear Diagnostics Act of 2023”

S. 1545 — “Veterans Health Care Freedom Act”

S. 1546 — “Teaching Asian Pacific American History Act”

S. 1547 — “Reach Every Mother and Child Act of 2023”


S. 1549 — “Congressional Budget Office Data Access Act”

S. 155 — “Require Employees To Uniformly Return Now Act”

S. 1550 — “Lower Fees, Better Airports Act of 2023”

S. 1551 — “Improved Transportation Consumer Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1552 — “Coastal Fellowships Act”

S. 1553 — “Resiliency for Ranching and Natural Conservation Health Act”

S. 1554 — “National American Indian Veterans Charter Act”

S. 1555 — “Pollinator Power Act of 2023”

S. 1556 — “Seaman Xavier Sandor Support for Sailors Act”

S. 1557 — “Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 1558 — “WWII Nurses Congressional Gold Medal Act”

S. 1559 — “Book Minimum Tax Repeal Act”

S. 156 — “Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act”

S. 1560 — “Rural Hospital Cybersecurity Enhancement Act”

S. 1561 — “Aviation Workforce Development Act”

S. 1562 — “Tribal Police Department Parity Act”

S. 1563 — “Maximize Americans' Retirement Security Act”

S. 1564 — “AI Leadership Training Act”

S. 1565 — “SHOW UP Act of 2023”

S. 1566 — “Deterring Chinese Preemptive Strikes Act of 2023”

S. 1567 — “RETAIN Act”

S. 1568 — “Universal School Meals Program Act of 2023”

S. 1569 — “Back the Blue Act of 2023”

S. 157 — “Drone Act of 2023”

S. 1570 — “Bottles and Breastfeeding Equipment Screening Enhancement Act”

S. 1571 — “Rural Hospital Closure Relief Act of 2023”

S. 1572 — “Depositor Protection Act of 2023”

S. 1573 — “PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 1574 — “Mental Health Excellence in Schools Act”

S. 1575 — “Colorado Judgeship Act”

S. 1576 — “Carbon Removal and Emissions Storage Technologies Act of 2023”

S. 1577 — “Oversee Emerging Technology Act”

S. 1578 — “Accountability for Cryptocurrency in El Salvador Act”

S. 1579 — “MORE DOT Grants Act”

S. 158 — “Increasing American Jobs Through Greater United States Exports to Africa and Latin America Act of 2023”

S. 1580 — “More Opportunities for Rural Economies from USDA Grants Act”

S. 1581 — “Diversify Act”

S. 1582 — “Opportunities in Organic Act of 2023”

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