Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 8)


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H.R. 2379 — “To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 616 East Main Street in St. Charles, Illinois, as the "Veterans of the Vietnam War Memorial Post Office".”

H.R. 238 — “Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act of 2023”

H.R. 2380 — “Cellphone Jamming Reform Act of 2023”

H.R. 2381 — “Restoring Fulbright Exchanges with China and Hong Kong Act”

H.R. 2382 — “September 11 Day of Remembrance Act”

H.R. 2383 — “Prohibition of Financial Trading on Government Property Act”

H.R. 2384 — “Complete American Pipelines Act of 2023”

H.R. 2385 — “ACE Agriculture Act”

H.R. 2386 — “Community Wood Facilities Assistance Act of 2023”

H.R. 2387 — “Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act”

H.R. 2388 — “Justice for Exploited Children Act of 2023”

H.R. 2389 — “Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023”

H.R. 239 — “Same Day Registration Act of 2023”

H.R. 2390 — “Gun Violence Prevention Research Act of 2023”

H.R. 2391 — “No Crime Left Behind Act”

H.R. 2392 — “Pause for Gun Safety Act”

H.R. 2393 — “Combating Cartels on Social Media Act of 2023”

H.R. 2394 — “Protection from Abusive Passengers Act”

H.R. 2395 — “Restoring Overtime Pay Act of 2023”

H.R. 2396 — “Social Media Bank Run Act”

H.R. 2397 — “Homeownership for DREAMers Act”

H.R. 2398 — “To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit smoking on the premises of any facility of the Veterans Health Administration, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2399 — “To authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to Thomas H. Griffin for acts of valor as a member of the Army during the Vietnam War.”

H.R. 24 — “Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2023”

H.R. 240 — “National Jazz Preservation, Education, and Promulgation Act of 2023”

H.R. 2400 — “Reentry Act of 2023”

H.R. 2401 — “Respond, Innovate, Succeed, and Empower Act”

H.R. 2402 — “Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2023”

H.R. 2403 — “Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2023”

H.R. 2404 — “Women’s Rights and Protection Act of 2023”

H.R. 2405 — “North Dakota Trust Lands Completion Act of 2023”

H.R. 2406 — “Accelerate Long-term Investment Growth Now Act”

H.R. 2407 — “Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act”

H.R. 2408 — “Access to Innovative Treatments Act of 2023”

H.R. 2409 — “EXCEL Act”

H.R. 241 — “ACCESS Act”

H.R. 2410 — “VET CARE Act of 2023”

H.R. 2411 — “National Nursing Workforce Center Act of 2023”

H.R. 2412 — “Helping Kids Cope Act”

H.R. 2413 — “Dental Care for Veterans Act”

H.R. 2414 — “CHAMPVA Children’s Care Protection Act of 2023”

H.R. 2415 — “Springfield Race Riot National Historic Monument Act”

H.R. 2416 — “To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a military and civilian partnership for trauma readiness grant program.”

H.R. 2417 — “Protection of Children Act of 2023”

H.R. 2418 — “Gun Trafficker Detection Act”

H.R. 2419 — “Canal Conveyance Capacity Restoration Act”

H.R. 242 — “Equal Rights and Access for the Women of South Sudan Act”

H.R. 2420 — “Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program Enhancement Act”

H.R. 2421 — “Safe Equitable Campus Resources and Education Act of 2023”

H.R. 2422 — “CALM Modernization Act of 2023”

H.R. 2423 — “Farm Credit Administration Independent Authority Act”

H.R. 2424 — “MODERN WIC Act of 2023”

H.R. 2425 — “Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act”

H.R. 2426 — “Find and Protect Foster Youth Act”

H.R. 2427 — “Hmong Congressional Gold Medal Act”

H.R. 2428 — “Minorities in Aviation Education Act of 2023”

H.R. 2429 — “Open Access Evapotranspiration Data Act”

H.R. 243 — “Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act”

H.R. 2430 — “Women’s Healthcare Anti-Death Penalty Construction Act”

H.R. 2431 — “Veterans Equal Access Act”

H.R. 2432 — “Migrant Processing and Protection Act of 2023”

H.R. 2433 — “Fairness for Rural Teaching Hospitals Act of 2023”

H.R. 2434 — “Next Generation Fuels Act of 2023”

H.R. 2435 — “Gold Standard Restoration Act”

H.R. 2436 — “Visa Overstays Penalties Act”

H.R. 2437 — “To revise the boundaries of a unit of the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System in Topsail, North Carolina, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2438 — “C.A.R.E. for Mental Health Professionals Act”

H.R. 2439 — “Ally’s Act”

H.R. 244 — “Medicare Hearing Aid Coverage Act of 2023”

H.R. 2440 — “Covenant School Heroes Congressional Gold Medal Act”

H.R. 2441 — “Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act of 2023”

H.R. 2442 — “Disability and Age in Jury Service Nondiscrimination Act”

H.R. 2443 — “Fossil Free Financing Act of 2023”

H.R. 2444 — “Name Accuracy in Credit Reporting Act”

H.R. 2445 — “Special Inspector General for Ukraine Assistance Act”

H.R. 2446 — “César E. Chávez and the Farmworker Movement National Historical Park Act”

H.R. 2447 — “Panama Canal Zone Veterans Act of 2023”

H.R. 2448 — “Renewable Natural Gas Incentive Act of 2023”

H.R. 2449 — “Taiwan Protection and National Resilience Act of 2023”

H.R. 245 — “Breath of Fresh Air Act”

H.R. 2450 — “Strengthening Supply Chains Through Truck Driver Incentives Act of 2023”

H.R. 2451 — “Freedom of Association in Higher Education Act of 2023”

H.R. 2452 — “OMAR Act”

H.R. 2453 — “Immigration Parole Reform Act of 2023”

H.R. 2454 — “United States-Israel PTSD Collaborative Research Act”

H.R. 2455 — “Jenna Quinn Law”

H.R. 2456 — “Know Your Body Act”

H.R. 2457 — “To establish a National Science Foundation grant program to provide opportunities for and strengthen research capacity at institutions of higher education to stimulate sustainable improvement in existing research and development at such institutions, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2458 — “Emergency Preparedness in Higher Education Act”

H.R. 2459 — “Hawaii Native Species Conservation and Recovery Act of 2023”

H.R. 246 — “Marginal Well Protection Act”

H.R. 2460 — “Consumer Online Payment Transparency and Integrity Act”

H.R. 2461 — “San Juan Southern Paiute Tribal Homelands Act of 2023”

H.R. 2462 — “Protect American Energy From China Act”

H.R. 2463 — “Junk Fee Prevention Act”

H.R. 2464 — “General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Memorial Exchange Program for Polish-American Defense Cooperation Act”

H.R. 2465 — “Financial Compensation for CFPB Whistleblowers Act”

H.R. 2466 — “Essential Air Service Reform Act”

H.R. 2467 — “Supporting Middle America’s Airports Act”

H.R. 2468 — “Mountain View Corridor Completion Act”

H.R. 2469 — “Toxic Exposure Education for Servicemembers Act of 2023”

H.R. 247 — “Chisholm National Historic Trail and Western National Historic Trail Designation Act”

H.R. 2470 — “Accessing Higher Education Opportunities Act”

H.R. 2471 — “Vote Without Fear Act”

H.R. 2472 — “Burn Pit Registry Enhancement Act”

H.R. 2473 — “Protecting Seniors from Health Care Fraud Act of 2023”

H.R. 2474 — “Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act”

H.R. 2475 — “MAKERS Act”

H.R. 2476 — “Protect Our Children's Schools Act”

H.R. 2477 — “PASS Act”

H.R. 2478 — “School Resource Officer Compensation Act”

H.R. 2479 — “Securing Our Schools Act of 2023”

H.R. 248 — “Promoting Local Management of the Lesser Prairie Chicken Act”

H.R. 2480 — “Optimizing Postpartum Outcomes Act of 2023”

H.R. 2481 — “Fair Manufactured Housing Lending Act”

H.R. 2482 — “To require the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study on the accessibility of mental health care providers and services for members of the Armed Forces serving on active duty, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2483 — “School Security Enhancement Act”

H.R. 2484 — “Honest Elections and Campaign, No Gain Act”

H.R. 2485 — “Expanding Opportunities for Diverse Entrepreneurs Act”

H.R. 2486 — “Closing the Congressional Revolving Door Act”

H.R. 2487 — “To direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to consider nuclear power to be a green source of energy, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2488 — “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make advanced nuclear facilities eligible for the qualifying advanced energy project credit.”

H.R. 2489 — “CFPB Dual Mandate and Economic Analysis Act”

H.R. 249 — “Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act of 2023”

H.R. 2490 — “CFPB Whistleblower Incentives and Protection Act”

H.R. 2491 — “SAFE School Act”

H.R. 2492 — “Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance Act”

H.R. 2493 — “Safe Routes Act of 2023”

H.R. 2494 — “POLICE Act of 2023”

H.R. 2495 — “Strengthening School Security for Students Act”

H.R. 2496 — “Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act of 2023”

H.R. 2497 — “To permit an issuer, when determining the market capitalization of the issuer for purposes of testing the significance of an acquisition or disposition, to include the value of all shares of the issuer.”

H.R. 2498 — “Nor Rel Muk Wintu Nation Federal Recognition Act”

H.R. 2499 — “VA Supply Chain Management System Authorization Act”

H.R. 25 — “FairTax Act of 2023”

H.R. 250 — “Clean Water SRF Parity Act”

H.R. 2500 — “Protecting Americans from Unsafe Drugs Act of 2023”

H.R. 2501 — “Sunset for the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Act”

H.R. 2502 — “Safe Students Act”

H.R. 2503 — “Prioritizing Revised Operations To Eliminate Cyanobacteria Toxins in Florida Act”

H.R. 2504 — “Stop Poisoning Florida Act”

H.R. 2505 — “Toxic Health Threat Warning Act of 2023”

H.R. 2506 — “Restoring the Secondary Trading Market Act”

H.R. 2507 — “To amend the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and title 49, United States Code, with respect to disadvantaged business enterprises, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2508 — “Campus Free Speech Restoration Act”

H.R. 2509 — “To direct the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report on helicopter and rotorcraft noise in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 251 — “To name the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Vallejo, California, as the "Delphine Metcalf-Foster VA Clinic".”

H.R. 2510 — “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make the credit for the adoption of special needs children refundable.”

H.R. 2511 — “Defund China’s Allies Act”

H.R. 2512 — “Congressional Foreign Entanglement Disclosure and Reduction Act”

H.R. 2513 — “CURB Act”

H.R. 2514 — “Public Service Integrity Act”

H.R. 2515 — “Tax Transparency Act of 2023”

H.R. 2516 — “End the Congressional Revolving Door Act”

H.R. 2517 — “Retirement Forfeiture for Members of Congress Turned Foreign Lobbyists Act”

H.R. 2518 — “Reducing Exposure to Burn Pits Act”

H.R. 2519 — “Native Educator Support and Training Act”

H.R. 252 — “Inflation Prevention Act of 2023”

H.R. 2520 — “Renewable Energy Jobs Act”

H.R. 2521 — “Clean Drinking Water Equity Act”

H.R. 2522 — “Campaign Spending Integrity Act”

H.R. 2523 — “Coach-Only Airfare for Capitol Hill Act of 2023”

H.R. 2524 — “Public Service Spending Integrity Act”

H.R. 2525 — “Health Care for Homeless Veterans Act”

H.R. 2526 — “S.O.S. Veterans Caregivers Act”

H.R. 2527 — “RAISE Act of 2023”

H.R. 2528 — “Grandparent-Grandchild Medical Leave Act”

H.R. 2529 — “Public Service Transparency Act”

H.R. 253 — “Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Fairness Act”

H.R. 2530 — “Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2023”

H.R. 2531 — “United States-Israel Anti-Tunnel Cooperation Extension Act”

H.R. 2532 — “Women in NCAA Sports Act”

H.R. 2533 — “Sound Insulation Treatment Repair and Replacement Program Act”

H.R. 2534 — “Preserving Rules Ordered for The Entities Covered Through 340B Act of 2023”

H.R. 2535 — “Stronger Engagement for Indian Health Needs Act of 2023”

H.R. 2536 — “U.S. Citrus Protection Act”

H.R. 2537 — “BAH Restoration Act”

H.R. 2538 — “Firearm Risk Protection Act of 2023”

H.R. 2539 — “New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2023”

H.R. 254 — “TRICARE Equality Act”

H.R. 2540 — “End Child Poverty Act”

H.R. 2541 — “Ensuring Safer Schools Act of 2023”

H.R. 2542 — “Infrastructure Expansion Act of 2023”

H.R. 2543 — “Veteran’s Choice Accountability Act”

H.R. 2544 — “Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act”

H.R. 2545 — “Central Coast Heritage Protection Act”

H.R. 2546 — “To provide for the development and implementation of economic defense response teams.”

H.R. 2547 — “Special Diabetes Program for Indians Reauthorization Act of 2023”

H.R. 2548 — “Public Safety Officer Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Health Act of 2023”

H.R. 2549 — “Global Trade Accountability Act of 2023”

H.R. 255 — “Federal Disaster Assistance Coordination Act”

H.R. 2550 — “Special Diabetes Program Reauthorization Act of 2023”

H.R. 2551 — “To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 to designate a portion of United States Route 74 in North Carolina as a future interstate, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2552 — “Community Broadband Act of 2023”

H.R. 2553 — “No More Political Prosecutions Act of 2023”

H.R. 2554 — “To identify certain roads in the vicinity of Beale Air Force Base, Travis Air Force Base, and Sierra Army Depot, California, as defense access roads for purposes of the defense access roads project under title 10, United States Code.”

H.R. 2555 — “SALT Deductibility Act”

H.R. 2556 — “Simplify, Don’t Amplify the IRS Act”

H.R. 2557 — “CBP Workload Staffing Model Act”

H.R. 2558 — “To amend title 49, United States Code, to include a public airport in use by an air reserve station as a primary airport.”

H.R. 2559 — “Strengthening Community Care Act of 2023”

H.R. 256 — “Supplemental Security Income Equality Act”

H.R. 2560 — “Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act of 2023”

H.R. 2561 — “Peer-Reviewed Report on Measuring Metrics and Thresholds”

H.R. 2562 — “Air Traffic Noise and Pollution Expert Consensus Act of 2023”

H.R. 2563 — “Aircraft Ownership Transparency Act of 2023”

H.R. 2564 — “Noise Data Collection Act”

H.R. 2565 — “To direct the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to establish an advisory committee for communities impacted by aviation, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2566 — “Voter Registration Efficiency Act”

H.R. 2567 — “School Meals Expansion Act”

H.R. 2568 — “IMAGES Act of 2023”

H.R. 2569 — “DOC Act”

H.R. 257 — “Earned Income Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act of 2023”

H.R. 2570 — “Safeguarding Women’s and Children’s Health Act of 2023”

H.R. 2571 — “RAM Act of 2023”

H.R. 2572 — “Supporting Women COPS Act of 2023”

H.R. 2573 — “To express the Sense of Congress with respect to Federal preemption of State restrictions on dispensing medication abortion, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 2574 — “EMS Counts Act”

H.R. 2575 — “Restaurant Revitalization Tax Credit Act”

H.R. 2576 — “To amend the Securities Act of 1933 to expand the research report exception to include reports about any issuer that undertakes a proposed offering of public securities.”

H.R. 2577 — “DHS Suicide Prevention and Resiliency for Law Enforcement Act”

H.R. 2578 — “Small Business Investor Capital Access Act”

H.R. 2579 — “Developing and Empowering our Aspiring Leaders Act of 2023”

H.R. 258 — “Puerto Rico Data Collection Equality Act”

H.R. 2580 — “Ensuring United Families at the Border Act”

H.R. 2581 — “Accountability for Lawless Violence In our Neighborhoods Act”

H.R. 2582 — “No Federal Funds for Political Prosecutions Act”

H.R. 2583 — “Increasing Access to Quality Cardiac Rehabilitation Care Act of 2023”

H.R. 2584 — “Safety From Violence for Healthcare Employees Act”

H.R. 2585 — “Hawaii Air Tour Management Act of 2023”

H.R. 2586 — “Noncontiguous Shipping Competition Act”

H.R. 2587 — “Noncontiguous Shipping Reasonable Rate Act of 2023”

H.R. 2588 — “Noncontiguous Shipping Relief Act of 2023”

H.R. 2589 — “No Tax Dollars for First-Class Flights Act”

H.R. 259 — “Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability Act”

H.R. 2590 — “Unlocking Capital for Small Businesses Act of 2023”

H.R. 2591 — “RAISE Minimum Base Pay Act”

H.R. 2592 — “Safe Schools Act”

H.R. 2593 — “National Senior Investor Initiative Act of 2023”

H.R. 2594 — “China Technology Transfer Control Act of 2023”

H.R. 2595 — “Forfeiture Funds Expenditure Transparency Act”

H.R. 2596 — “Stop PG&E Price Gouging During Emergencies Act”

H.R. 2597 — “Reserve Component Parental Leave Parity Act”

H.R. 2598 — “PREPARE Act of 2023”

H.R. 2599 — “Honest Ads Act”

H.R. 26 — “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”

H.R. 260 — “Nickel Plan Act”

H.R. 2600 — “Protect Local Taxpayers Act of 2023”

H.R. 2601 — “National Human Trafficking Hotline Enhancement Act”

H.R. 2602 — “Small Business Child Care Investment Act”

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