Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 48)


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S. 3385 — “A bill to prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers.”

S. 3386 — “A bill to temporarily suspend the importation of beef and beef products from Paraguay and to require the establishment of a working group to evaluate the threat to food safety and animal health posed by beef imported from Paraguay, and for other purposes.”

S. 3387 — “Ensuring Safe and Toxic-Free Foods Act of 2023”

S. 3388 — “Mental Health Justice Act of 2023”

S. 3389 — “FISH Wellness Act of 2023”

S. 339 — “Department of Defense Improved Hiring Act”

S. 3390 — “EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act”

S. 3391 — “Postal Delivery Accountability Act”

S. 3392 — “Advancing Research in Education Act”

S. 3393 — “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act”

S. 3394 — “Rural Emergency Hospital Adjustment Act”

S. 3395 — “Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2023”

S. 3396 — “College Admissions Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 3397 — “Putting American Autoworkers First Act of 2023”

S. 3398 — “Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act of 2023”

S. 3399 — “Rural Forest Markets Act of 2023”

S. 34 — “Facilitating the Reshoring of Energy Grid Component Manufacturing Act of 2023”

S. 340 — “Protecting Community Television Act”

S. 3400 — “We Can't Wait Act of 2023”

S. 3401 — “WEATHER Act of 2023”

S. 3402 — “End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act”

S. 3403 — “Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2023”

S. 3404 — “Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights”

S. 3405 — “Countering Corrupt Political (CCP) Influence Act”

S. 3406 — “Technical Corrections to the Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Projects Act, Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act, and Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act”

S. 3407 — “Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2023”

S. 3408 — “Pathways to Paychecks Act”

S. 3409 — “End Solitary Confinement Act”

S. 341 — “Broadband Grant Tax Treatment Act”

S. 3410 — “Protecting Rural Seniors’ Access to Care Act”

S. 3411 — “Safeguarding American Genetic Data Act of 2023”

S. 3412 — “Reuben E. Lawson Federal Building Act of 2023”

S. 3413 — “A bill to reinstate pilots fired or forced to resign because of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.”

S. 3414 — “A bill to support United States investment opportunities, strengthen bilateral collaboration in addressing criminal elements operating in the Brazilian Amazon, and for other purposes.”

S. 3415 — “College Athlete Right to Organize Act”

S. 3416 — “Climate Change Resiliency Fund for America Act of 2023”

S. 3417 — “Ban C-FOOD Act”

S. 3418 — “Las Vegas Wash Program Extension Act”

S. 3419 — “A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1765 Camp Hill Bypass in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, as the "John Charles Traub Post Office".”

S. 342 — “Access to Counsel Act of 2023”

S. 3420 — “Growing Opportunities for Innovative Farming Act of 2023”

S. 3421 — “LGBTQI Business Equal Credit Enforcement and Investment Act”

S. 3422 — “Clean Competition Act”

S. 3423 — “Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023”

S. 3424 — “Strengthening Communities of Recovery Act”

S. 3425 — “Resilient Communities Act of 2023”

S. 3426 — “YouthBuild for the Future Act”

S. 3427 — “Overtime Pay for Protective Services Act of 2023”

S. 3428 — “DEFUND Act of 2023”

S. 3429 — “Just Compensation Act of 2023”

S. 343 — “Apprenticeships to College Act”

S. 3430 — “Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act of 2023”

S. 3431 — “Customs Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 3432 — “Allied Partnership and Port Modernization Act”

S. 3433 — “DEEP Act”

S. 3434 — “Incentivizing the Expansion of U.S. Ports Act”

S. 3435 — “Port Modernization and Supply Chain Protection Act”

S. 3436 — “Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act”

S. 3437 — “Addressing SILO Act of 2023”

S. 3438 — “SAFE Home Act”

S. 3439 — “Concrete and Asphalt Innovation Act of 2023”

S. 344 — “Major Richard Star Act”

S. 3440 — “Farewell to Foam Act of 2023”

S. 3441 — “Terrorist Financing Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 3442 — “Timely Review of SNAP Online Retailer Applications Act of 2023”

S. 3443 — “Protecting Education from Malign Foreign Influence Act of 2023”

S. 3444 — “Local 9–8–8 Response Act of 2023”

S. 3445 — “Supporting Made in America Energy Act”

S. 3446 — “Banking Regulator International Reporting Act”

S. 3447 — “Pregnant and Postpartum Women Treatment Reauthorization Act”

S. 3448 — “Never Again Education Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 3449 — “A bill to provide low-income individuals with opportunities to enter and follow a career pathway in the health professions, and for other purposes.”

S. 345 — “Highway Formula Fairness Act”

S. 3450 — “Mental and Physical Health Care Comorbidities Act of 2023”

S. 3451 — “Rehabilitation and Recovery During Incarceration Act”

S. 3452 — “Fred Hamilton Veterans' Lost Records Act”

S. 3453 — “Peer-to-Peer Mental Health Support Act”

S. 3454 — “No Taxpayer Dollars for Communist China COVID Tests Act”

S. 3455 — “Sustainable International Financial Institutions Act of 2023”

S. 3456 — “Military Personnel Confirmation Restoration Act of 2023”

S. 3457 — “Fans First Act”

S. 3458 — “Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act of 2023”

S. 3459 — “End Double Taxation of Successful Consumer Claims Act”

S. 346 — “Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act of 2023”

S. 3460 — “Corporate Crime Database Act of 2023”

S. 3461 — “Iran China Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 3462 — “A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to issue draft guidance to address non-addictive analgesics for chronic pain.”

S. 3463 — “Eviction Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 3464 — “Finding Orphan-disease Remedies With Antifungal Research and Development Act of 2023”

S. 3465 — “WEST Act of 2023”

S. 3466 — “VA Medical Center Security Report Act of 2023”

S. 3467 — “Energizing American Shipbuilding Act of 2023”

S. 3468 — “Fairness in Federal Disaster Declarations Act of 2023”

S. 3469 — “A bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a grocery, farm, and food worker stabilization grant program.”

S. 347 — “ANTI-SOCIAL CCP Act”

S. 3470 — “Citizen Ballot Protection Act”

S. 3471 — “Fertilizer Research Act of 2023”

S. 3472 — “A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain land, Dillard Road, Patoka Lake, Indiana, to the State of Indiana, and for other purposes.”

S. 3473 — “Air Security Act of 2023”

S. 3474 — “A bill to redesignate the Hulls Cove Visitor Center at Acadia National Park as the "George J. Mitchell, Jr., Visitor Center".”

S. 3475 — “Strengthening the Commercial Driver’s License Information System Act”

S. 3476 — “American Investment Accountability Act”

S. 3477 — “PATH to College Act”

S. 3478 — “Eliminating Bias in Algorithmic Systems Act of 2023”

S. 3479 — “Southwest Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 348 — “Asylum Abuse Reduction Act”

S. 3480 — “Compulsory Requirement to Eliminate Employees who are Perpetrators of Sexual misconduct Act of 2023”

S. 3481 — “Increasing Access to Quality Cardiac Rehabilitation Care Act of 2023”

S. 3482 — “988 Lifeline Location Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 3483 — “Consequences for Climate Vandals Act”

S. 3484 — “Great Lakes Mass Marking Program Act”

S. 3485 — “Supporting Healthy Pregnancy Act of 2023”

S. 3486 — “Protecting American Advanced Manufacturing Act”

S. 3487 — “Segal AmeriCorps Education Award Tax Relief Act of 2023”

S. 3488 — “NASA Talent Exchange Program Act”

S. 3489 — “Energy Circuit Riders Act”

S. 349 — “Military Spouse Employment Act”

S. 3490 — “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act”

S. 3491 — “No Tax Dollars for the United Nations Climate Agenda Act”

S. 3492 — “Safe and Open Streets Act”

S. 3493 — “UNRWA Reform Act of 2023”

S. 3494 — “Trusted Foreign Auditing Act of 2023”

S. 3495 — “Amended Sensible Classification Act of 2023”

S. 3496 — “Orphan Well Grant Flexibility Act of 2023”

S. 3497 — “FARM Home Loans Act of 2023”

S. 3498 — “Promoting Effective and Empowering Recovery Services in Medicare Act of 2023”

S. 3499 — “Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2023”

S. 35 — “New Parents Act of 2023”

S. 350 — “Fry Scholarship Enhancement Act of 2023”

S. 3500 — “Natural Climate Solutions Research and Extension Act of 2023”

S. 3501 — “Grandfamilies Act of 2023”

S. 3502 — “Homebuyers Privacy Protection Act”

S. 3503 — “Value in Health Care Act of 2023”

S. 3504 — “Digital Defense Content Provenance Act of 2023”

S. 3505 — “Defense Support for Cyber Emergencies Response Act of 2023”

S. 3506 — “Kosovo Defense Cooperation Enhancement Act”

S. 3507 — “A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 12804 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, Ohio, as the "Sgt. Wolfgang Kyle Weninger Post Office Building".”

S. 3508 — “Vice Chiefs Parity Act”

S. 3509 — “Healthy Maternity and Obstetric Medicine Act”

S. 351 — “Down East Remembrance Act”

S. 3510 — “Building Native Habitats at Federal Facilities Act”

S. 3511 — “Stopping Grinch Bots Act of 2023”

S. 3512 — “Transparency, Readability, Understandability, Truth, and Helpfulness in Labeling Act”

S. 3513 — “Air Guard Standardizing Tuition Assistance To Unify the Services Act of 2023”

S. 3514 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the excise tax on net investment income of certain private colleges and universities.”

S. 3515 — “MAILS Act”

S. 3516 — “A bill to impose a fee on certain remittance transfers to fund border security.”

S. 3517 — “People Over Long Lines Act”

S. 3518 — “Reengage the Workforce Act”

S. 3519 — “Tyler’s Law”

S. 352 — “Highway Formula Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 3520 — “ACE Act”

S. 3521 — “Rare Earth Magnet Manufacturing Production Tax Credit Act of 2023”

S. 3522 — “Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act”

S. 3523 — “Ending Unemployment Payments to Jobless Millionaires Act of 2023”

S. 3524 — “SMARTER Debt Act”

S. 3525 — “Supporting All Students Act”

S. 3526 — “Lactation Spaces for Veteran Moms Act”

S. 3527 — “Iran SDR Exchange Prohibition Act of 2023”

S. 3528 — “Supporting Disabled Entrepreneurs Act”

S. 3529 — “ATF Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 353 — “Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2023”

S. 3530 — “READINESS Act”

S. 3531 — “Protect American Gun Exporters Act”

S. 3532 — “Youth Mental Health Data Act of 2023”

S. 3533 — “A bill to appropriate, with an offset, $36,000,000 for the Seafood Import Monitoring Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to increase audits of imported shrimp and red snapper.”

S. 3534 — “Fire Island AIDS Memorial Act”

S. 3535 — “Keeping Girls in School Act”

S. 3536 — “Think Differently about Education Act of 2023”

S. 3537 — “CTE Awareness Act”

S. 3538 — “Close the Shadow Banking Loophole Act”

S. 3539 — “Small Business Contracting Fairness Act”

S. 354 — “Strengthening Local Processing Act of 2023”

S. 3540 — “SALONS Stories Act”

S. 3541 — “Fair Audits and Inspections for Regulators’ Exams Act”

S. 3542 — “Atchafalaya National Heritage Area Boundary Modification Act”

S. 3543 — “Historic Greenwood District—Black Wall Street National Monument Establishment Act”

S. 3544 — “A bill to designate the visitor and education center at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine as the "Paul S. Sarbanes Visitor and Education Center".”

S. 3545 — “Improving Data Accessibility Through Advancements in Public Health Act”

S. 3546 — “Veterans Mental Health and Addiction Therapy Quality of Care Act”

S. 3547 — “Connecting Oceania’s Nations with Vanguard Exercises and National Empowerment Act of 2023”

S. 3548 — “Health Care Prices Revealed and Information to Consumers Explained Transparency Act”

S. 3549 — “Predatory Lending Elimination Act”

S. 355 — “Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act”

S. 3550 — “MATE Improvement Act”

S. 3551 — “Voluntary Limited Accreditation for Adoption Services Act”

S. 3552 — “A bill to amend the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 to allow qualified tax-exempt organizations to claim the employee retention credit for employers affected by qualified disasters against Medicare hospital insurance taxes.”

S. 3553 — “Military Personnel Confirmation Restoration Act of 2023”

S. 3554 — “FAIRR Act”

S. 3555 — “STOCK Act 2.0”

S. 3556 — “Enhancing First Response Act”

S. 3557 — “A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to prepare a report that outlines a plan for completing a review of approved opioid analgesic drugs that considers the public health effects of such opioid drugs.”

S. 3558 — “A bill to prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers, and for other purposes.”

S. 3559 — “Unplug the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Program Act”

S. 356 — “Syria Detainee and Displaced Persons Act”

S. 3560 — “Combat Veterans Pre-Enrollment Act of 2024”

S. 3561 — “HOME Act of 2024”

S. 3562 — “A bill to designate the medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Tomah, Wisconsin, as the "Jason Simcakoski Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center".”

S. 3563 — “Pardon Transparency to Protect Investigations Act of 2024”

S. 3564 — “GSA Disposal Process Tribal Parity Act of 2024”

S. 3565 — “Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024”

S. 3566 — “Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2024”

S. 3567 — “Veterans Affairs Centennial and Heritage Act of 2024”

S. 3568 — “American Battlefield Protection Program Enhancement Act of 2024”

S. 3569 — “Improving Efficiency to Increase Competition Act”

S. 357 — “No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act”

S. 3570 — “A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 500 West Pike Street in Clarksburg, West Virginia, as the "Irene M. Keeley United States Courthouse", and for other purposes.”

S. 3571 — “Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act”

S. 3572 — “Creative Workforce Investment Act”

S. 3573 — “Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits Transparency Act”

S. 3574 — “National Fossil Act”

S. 3575 — “Dillon’s Law”

S. 3576 — “CONTAINER Act”

S. 3577 — “A bill to designate the Federal building located at 300 E. 3rd Street in North Platte, Nebraska, as the "Virginia Smith Federal Building", and for other purposes.”

S. 3578 — “Protect Medicaid Act”

S. 3579 — “Gambling Addiction, Recovery, Investment, and Treatment Act”

S. 358 — “A bill for the relief of Cesar Carlos Silva Rodriguez.”

S. 3580 — “Protecting Students on Campus Act of 2024”

S. 3581 — “HYDRO Act of 2024”

S. 3582 — “Our Money in China Transparency Act”

S. 3583 — “A bill to address patent thickets.”

S. 3584 — “Consistent Egg Labels Act of 2024”

S. 3585 — “A bill to amend title 9, United States Code, with respect to arbitration of disputes involving human trafficking.”

S. 3586 — “Bilingual Public Safety Act”

S. 3587 — “Mandatory Removal Proceedings Act”

S. 3588 — “Constitutional Election Integrity Act”

S. 3589 — “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024”

S. 359 — “Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act of 2023”

S. 3590 — “SEWAGE GARLIC Imports Act of 2024”

S. 3591 — “Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act”

S. 3592 — “Business of Insurance Regulatory Reform Act of 2024”

S. 3593 — “Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act”

S. 3594 — “SHARE IT Act”

S. 3595 — “BEST Act”

S. 3596 — “A bill to amend the Mineral Leasing Act to amend references of gilsonite to asphaltite.”

S. 3597 — “Promoting Dental Health Act”

S. 3598 — “SCHEDULES Act of 2024”

S. 3599 — “Ban Corporate PACs Act”

S. 36 — “Agility in Manufacturing Preparedness Act of 2023”

S. 360 — “Stop Higher Education Espionage and Theft Act of 2023”

S. 3600 — “Teamwork for Employees and Managers Act of 2024”

S. 3601 — “Financial Stability Oversight Council Improvement Act of 2024”

S. 3602 — “Preserving Safe Communities by Ending Swatting Act of 2024”

S. 3603 — “Preventing Illicit Finance Through Partnership Act of 2024”

S. 3604 — “Safeguarding Charity Act”

S. 3605 — “Emergency Vehicle and Community Planning Act”

S. 3606 — “National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Reauthorization Act of 2024”

S. 3607 — “Abortion Is Not Health Care Act of 2024”

S. 3608 — “Protecting Life in Health Savings Accounts Act”

S. 3609 — “Woman’s Right To Know Act”

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