Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 46)


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S. 2934 — “SHOP SAFE Act of 2023”

S. 2935 — “Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023”

S. 2936 — “A bill to establish as a permanent program the organic market development grant program of the Department of Agriculture.”

S. 2937 — “Increasing American Ferrosilicon Production Act”

S. 2938 — “Head Start for Our Future Act”

S. 2939 — “Pharmacy Access Oversight and Reporting Act”

S. 294 — “Expanding Access to Capital for Rural Job Creators Act”

S. 2940 — “Define the Mission Act”

S. 2941 — “Preventive Home Visit Act”

S. 2942 — “WELL Seniors Act of 2023”

S. 2943 — “Addressing Digestive Distress in Stomachs of Our Youth Act”

S. 2944 — “Puerto Rico Status Act”

S. 2945 — “Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act”

S. 2946 — “School Access to Naloxone Act of 2023”

S. 2947 — “Protecting Sensitive Personal Data Act of 2023”

S. 2948 — “WORK to Save Lives Act”

S. 2949 — “Ensuring Military Access to Higher Education Benefits Act of 2023”

S. 295 — “Countering Economic Coercion Act of 2023”

S. 2950 — “A bill to align the fiscal year with the calendar year.”

S. 2951 — “Butcher Block Act of 2023”

S. 2952 — “AGOA Extension Act of 2023”

S. 2953 — “Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act of 2023”

S. 2954 — “Protecting Medicaid Beneficiaries Act of 2023”

S. 2955 — “Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Act of 2023”

S. 2956 — “Middle East Security Coordination Act of 2023”

S. 2957 — “Better Oversight of Stub Sales and Strengthening Well Informed and Fair Transactions for Audiences of Concert Ticketing Act of 2023”

S. 2958 — “Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2023”

S. 2959 — “Brownfields Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 296 — “Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act of 2023”

S. 2960 — “Expanding the Voluntary Opportunities for Translations in Elections Act”

S. 2961 — “Federal Emergency Management Advancement of Equity Act”

S. 2962 — “Drive American Act”

S. 2963 — “Community Development Investment Tax Credit Act of 2023”

S. 2964 — “A bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to grant a Federal charter to the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals, and for other purposes.”

S. 2965 — “A bill to establish a critical mineral environmental processing and mining cleanup program, and for other purposes.”

S. 2966 — “Targeting Emotional and Mental Stability Act of 2023”

S. 2967 — “Intelligence Community Workforce Agility Protection Act of 2023”

S. 2968 — “NFIP Extension through 2023 Act”

S. 2969 — “A bill to ensure that United States diplomats and officials of the U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission are able to advance efforts seeking compliance by the United Mexican States with the 1944 Treaty on Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande.”

S. 297 — “A bill to amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to authorize certain construction activities on public lands, and for other purposes.”

S. 2970 — “Indigenous Peoples' Day Act”

S. 2971 — “Unhoused VOTE Act”

S. 2972 — “A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to repay States for amounts expended by States to operate units of the National Park System during a Government shutdown.”

S. 2973 — “Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability Act”

S. 2974 — “Pregnant Students’ Rights Act of 2023”

S. 2975 — “Road to Access Act of 2023”

S. 2976 — “Preventing Overdoses with Test Strips Act”

S. 2977 — “Increase America’s Research Capacity Act of 2023”

S. 2978 — “Nationally Enhancing the Well-being of Babies through Outreach and Research Now Act”

S. 2979 — “India Shrimp Tariff Act”

S. 298 — “Keep Americans Safe Act”

S. 2980 — “Penalizing and Improving Prevention of Emergencies Act of 2023”

S. 2981 — “IRS Accountability and Transparency Act”

S. 2982 — “Targeting Online Sales of Fentanyl Act”

S. 2983 — “Schools Not Shelters Act”

S. 2984 — “Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act of 2023”

S. 2985 — “Youth Voting Rights Act”

S. 2986 — “Warding off Hostile Administrative Leasing Efforts Act”

S. 2987 — “Agricultural Biorefinery Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2023”

S. 2988 — “Green New Deal for Public Schools Act of 2023”

S. 2989 — “Nordic Trader and Investor Parity Act”

S. 299 — “Government Shutdown Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 2990 — “Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness Establishment Act of 2023”

S. 2991 — “America’s Revegetation and Carbon Sequestration Act of 2023”

S. 2992 — “Ag Disputes Act”

S. 2993 — “Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act”

S. 2994 — “Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity and River Restoration Act of 2023”

S. 2995 — “Taiwan International Solidarity Act”

S. 2996 — “Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 2997 — “A bill to amend title 40, United States Code, to increase the mileage of the Appalachian Development Highway System to provide for improvements to and expansion of Corridor K in North Carolina, and for other purposes.”

S. 2998 — “Land-Grant Research Equity and Accountability Act”

S. 2999 — “Keep Our Border Agents Paid Act”

S. 30 — “Fiscal Year 2023 Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Authorization Act”

S. 300 — “Leveraging Opportunities for Americans Now Act of 2023”

S. 3000 — “Armenian Protection Act of 2023”

S. 3001 — “Maritime Fuel Tax Parity Act”

S. 3002 — “Sustainable Vessel Fuel Act”

S. 3003 — “POST ID Act”

S. 3004 — “A bill to specify control and management of Department of Defense data and to establish the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Governing Council, and for other purposes.”

S. 3005 — “Enhancing American Competitiveness Act of 2023”

S. 3006 — “SAFE in Recovery Act”

S. 3007 — “State Border Defense Act”

S. 3008 — “Fair Pay for Federal Contractors Act of 2023”

S. 3009 — “NO CHINA Act”

S. 301 — “Educational Opportunities Act of 2023”

S. 3010 — “Nutrition CARE Act of 2023”

S. 3011 — “Passport Sanity Act”

S. 3012 — “Deposit Security Act”

S. 3013 — “A bill to permanently authorize the exemption of aliens working as fish processors from the numerical limitation on H-2B nonimmigrant visas.”

S. 3014 — “Federal Trade Commission Review of Expensive and Detrimental Overregulation Act”

S. 3015 — “Telework Reform Act of 2023”

S. 3016 — “End Taxpayer Subsidies for Electric Vehicles Act”

S. 3017 — “Restoring the First Amendment and Right to Peaceful Civil Disobedience Act of 2023”

S. 3018 — “A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the National Labor Relations Act to clarify the standard for determining whether an individual is an employee, and for other purposes.”

S. 3019 — “Native Histories and Cultures Education Act of 2023”

S. 302 — “Barbosa Act”

S. 3020 — “Volunteer Driver Tax Appreciation Act of 2023”

S. 3021 — “Sustainable Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services in the Home Act”

S. 3022 — “IHS Workforce Parity Act of 2023”

S. 3023 — “Soil CARE Act of 2023”

S. 3024 — “Promoting Access to Broadband Act of 2023”

S. 3025 — “CLEAN Energy Act”

S. 3026 — “Nonrestrictive Offshore Wind Act”

S. 3027 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the energy credit for qualified fuel cell property.”

S. 3028 — “Preventing Underhanded and Nefarious Iranian Supported Homicides Act of 2023”

S. 3029 — “Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act”

S. 303 — “Presidential Budget Accountability Act”

S. 3030 — “Encouraging Public Offerings Act of 2023”

S. 3031 — “Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Extension Act”

S. 3032 — “Cerro Pelado Fire Assistance Act”

S. 3033 — “Pecos Watershed Protection Act”

S. 3034 — “Meals for At-Risk Americans Act of 2023”

S. 3035 — “Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act”

S. 3036 — “Mountain View Corridor Completion Act”

S. 3037 — “SEED Act”

S. 3038 — “American Offshore Worker Fairness Act”

S. 3039 — “Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act”

S. 304 — “PAYSTUB Act”

S. 3040 — “True Reciprocity Act of 2023”

S. 3041 — “A bill to reinstate certain sanctions imposed with respect to Iran.”

S. 3042 — “A bill to require the collection of certain data relating to Bureau of Land Management land acquisitions, and for other purposes.”

S. 3043 — “Natural Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023”

S. 3044 — “Mount Blue Sky Wilderness Act”

S. 3045 — “A bill to provide for the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over certain Federal land in the State of California, and for other purposes.”

S. 3046 — “A bill to make permanent the authority to collect Shasta-Trinity National Forest marina fees.”

S. 3047 — “Air America Act of 2023”

S. 3048 — “Fairness for Stay-at-Home Parents Act”

S. 3049 — “Revoke Iranian Funding Act of 2023”

S. 305 — “250th Anniversary of the United States Marine Corps Commemorative Coin Act”

S. 3050 — “Artificial Intelligence Advancement Act of 2023”

S. 3051 — “Stop Child Labor Act”

S. 3052 — “GAZA Act”

S. 3053 — “Preempting Misguided Appeasement and Financing of Destabilizing Regimes Act of 2023”

S. 3054 — “Name, Image, and Likeness for International Collegiate Athletes Act”

S. 3055 — “Adopt GREET Act”

S. 3056 — “No Fencing at the United States Capitol Complex Act”

S. 3057 — “No Dollars for Dictators Act of 2023”

S. 3058 — “United Negro College Fund, Inc. Congressional Gold Medal Act”

S. 3059 — “REAL Health Providers Act”

S. 306 — “Tule River Tribe Reserved Water Rights Settlement Act of 2023”

S. 3060 — “Youth Mental Health Research Act”

S. 3061 — “A bill to revoke the waiver determination submitted to Congress on September 11, 2023, with respect to certain sanctions imposed with respect to Iran.”

S. 3062 — “Small-diameter Timber and Underutilized Material Act of 2023”

S. 3063 — “Jobs in the Woods Act”

S. 3064 — “U.N. Anti-Terrorism Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 3065 — “Fair Day in Court for Kids Act of 2023”

S. 3066 — “Creating Early Childhood Leaders Act”

S. 3067 — “Facilitating Hazard Mitigation Projects Act”

S. 3068 — “VA Home Loan Awareness Act of 2023”

S. 3069 — “Breast Cancer Patient Equity Act”

S. 307 — “Increasing Competitiveness for American Drones Act of 2023”

S. 3070 — “Youth Prevention and Recovery Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 3071 — “Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act”

S. 3072 — “Empower Charter School Educators to Lead Act”

S. 3073 — “Transit Emergency Relief Act”

S. 3074 — “Eyes on the Board Act of 2023”

S. 3075 — “Adult Education Workforce Opportunity and Reskilling for Knowledge and Success Act”

S. 3076 — “Disability Employment Incentive Act”

S. 3077 — “Protect Our Bases Act of 2023”

S. 3078 — “Stop Anti-Semitism on College Campuses Act”

S. 3079 — “Accelerating Appraisals and Conservation Efforts Act”

S. 308 — “Ending China's Developing Nation Status Act”

S. 3080 — “Resilient Transit Act of 2023”

S. 3081 — “Fortify Israel Act”

S. 3082 — “Water Quality Certification Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 3083 — “Emergency Resupply for Iron Dome Act of 2023”

S. 3084 — “United States-Taiwan Expedited Double-Tax Relief Act”

S. 3085 — “PACE Act”

S. 3086 — “America’s College Promise Act of 2023”

S. 3087 — “PROOF Act”

S. 3088 — “Concerns Over Nations Funding University Campus Institutes in the United States Act”

S. 3089 — “Fairness for Victims of SNAP Skimming Act of 2023”

S. 309 — “Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act”

S. 3090 — “Maximizing Outcomes for Moms through Medicaid Improvement and Enhancement of Services Act”

S. 3091 — “Rural Inclusion Act”

S. 3092 — “Collision Avoidance Systems Act of 2023”

S. 3093 — “Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act of 2023”

S. 3094 — “Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023”

S. 3095 — “Federal Reserve Loss Transparency Act”

S. 3096 — “Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term Limits Act of 2023”

S. 3097 — “O DAIRY Act of 2023”

S. 3098 — “Securing Advances and a Variety of Evidence-Based IMD Options Act”

S. 3099 — “SHINE Act of 2023”

S. 31 — “SPR Act”

S. 310 — “Disaster Contract Improvement Act”

S. 3100 — “Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act of 2023”

S. 3101 — “A bill to provide that members of the Armed Forces performing services in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Chad shall be entitled to tax benefits in the same manner as if such services were performed in a combat zone.”

S. 3102 — “Retirement Savings for Americans Act of 2023”

S. 3103 — “Medical Debt Relief Act of 2023”

S. 3104 — “Advanced Border Coordination Act of 2023”

S. 3105 — “Safe Schools Improvement Act”

S. 3106 — “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 3107 — “Court Legal Access and Student Support Act of 2023”

S. 3108 — “Preventing Opportunities for Teen E–Cigarette and Tobacco Addiction Act”

S. 3109 — “ABC Act”

S. 311 — “U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer Retirement Technical Corrections Act”

S. 3110 — “Taiwan Relations Reinforcement Act of 2023”

S. 3111 — “National Dam Safety Program Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 3112 — “Ensure Uniform Border Inspection Practices Act”

S. 3113 — “Expanding Health Care Options for First Responders Act”

S. 3114 — “Safeguarding Internet Freedom in Hong Kong Act of 2023”

S. 3115 — “GRID Act”

S. 3116 — “Transparency in Legacy Road and Trail Remediation Act of 2023”

S. 3117 — “Helping Open Underutilized Space to Ensure Shelter Act of 2023”

S. 3118 — “HCBS Relief Act of 2023”

S. 3119 — “Restoring Internet Freedom Act”

S. 312 — “Outpatient Surgery Quality and Access Act of 2023”

S. 3120 — “Disaster Relief Medicaid Act”

S. 3121 — “21st Century Dyslexia Act”

S. 3122 — “Don’t Develop Obstructive Infrastructure on our Terrain Act”

S. 3123 — “Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters Act”

S. 3124 — “Ensuring Representation for Survivors Act”

S. 3125 — “Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 3126 — “Mark Our Place Act”

S. 3127 — “Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2023”

S. 3128 — “Protecting Unaccompanied Children Act”

S. 3129 — “Farm to School Act of 2023”

S. 313 — “National Cold War Center Act of 2023”

S. 3130 — “Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act of 2023”

S. 3131 — “Optimizing Research Progress Hope And New Cures Act”

S. 3132 — “Where Are The Terrorists Now Act”

S. 3133 — “REO Act of 2023”

S. 3134 — “Promoting National Security and Preserving Access to Public Land in Southern Nevada Act of 2023”

S. 3135 — “Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023”

S. 3136 — “Extending Access to Addiction Treatment Act”

S. 3137 — “Support Through Loss Act”

S. 3138 — “Stabilize Medicaid and CHIP Coverage Act”

S. 3139 — “Preventing Child Labor Exploitation Act”

S. 314 — “Cost Recovery and Expensing Acceleration to Transform the Economy and Jumpstart Opportunities for Businesses and Startups Act”

S. 3140 — “Unemployment Insurance Modernization and Recession Readiness Act”

S. 3141 — “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”

S. 3142 — “Child Labor Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 3143 — “Further Strengthening America’s Supply Chain and National Security Act”

S. 3144 — “Protecting Survivors from Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2023”

S. 3145 — “Improving Access to Addiction Medicine Providers Act”

S. 3146 — “Reduce Food Loss and Waste Act”

S. 3147 — “Flood Protection and Infrastructure Resilience Act of 2023”

S. 3148 — “Historic Roadways Protection Act”

S. 3149 — “HBCU Africa Partnerships Act”

S. 315 — “Taxpayer Research And Contributions Knowledge Act of 2023”

S. 3150 — “IMF Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 3151 — “MAUI STRONG Act”

S. 3152 — “All Students Count Act of 2023”

S. 3153 — “Emergency Advance Payments Modernization Act”

S. 3154 — “Tribal Child Support Enforcement Act”

S. 3155 — “Stop Subsidizing Multimillion Dollar Corporate Bonuses Act”

S. 3156 — “Job Creation through Energy Efficient Manufacturing Act”

S. 3157 — “More Behavioral Health Providers Act of 2023”

S. 3158 — “Expand the Behavioral Health Workforce Now Act”

S. 3159 — “PANA Act of 2023”

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