Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 43)


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S. 2259 — “Leveraging Integrated Networks in Communities for Veterans Act”

S. 226 — “ESP Family Leave Act”

S. 2260 — “Grant Transparency Act of 2023”

S. 2261 — “Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Program Act of 2023”

S. 2262 — “Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument Act”

S. 2263 — “The Rural Vital Emergency Transportation Services (VETS) Act”

S. 2264 — “Fentanyl Trafficking Prevention Act”

S. 2265 — “Speeding the Execution of Arms Deliveries for Allies and Securing Trust Act”

S. 2266 — “Strengthening American Communities Act of 2023”

S. 2267 — “Dairy Business Innovation Act of 2023”

S. 2268 — “Ensuring Interagency Cooperation to Support Veterans Act of 2023”

S. 2269 — “Fire Safe Electrical Corridors Act of 2023”

S. 227 — “Improving Access to Our Courts Act”

S. 2270 — “Executive Branch Accountability and Transparency Act of 2023”

S. 2271 — “PFAS Community Engagement and Transparency Act”

S. 2272 — “Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act of 2023”

S. 2273 — “Native American Child Protection Act”

S. 2274 — “A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 112 Wyoming Street in Shoshoni, Wyoming, as the "Dessie A. Bebout Post Office".”

S. 2275 — “AIRSHIP Act of 2023”

S. 2276 — “Welcome Home Veterans Act of 2023”

S. 2277 — “Susan Muffley Act”

S. 2278 — “Border Enforcement, Security, and Trade (BEST) Facilitation Act of 2023”

S. 2279 — “LGBTQ+ Panic Defense Prohibition Act of 2023”

S. 228 — “Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act of 2023”

S. 2280 — “Social Security 2100 Act”

S. 2281 — “Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act”

S. 2282 — “Ensuring Sound Guidance Act”

S. 2283 — “PFAS-Free Procurement Act of 2023”

S. 2284 — “Federal Prisons Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 2285 — “Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 2286 — “Streamlining Federal Grants Act of 2023”

S. 2287 — “RESET for America’s Future Act of 2023”

S. 2288 — “SAFE through Medicare Act”

S. 2289 — “Mitigating Foreign Influence in Classified Government Contracts”

S. 229 — “Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains Act of 2023”

S. 2290 — “Data for American Jobs Act of 2023”

S. 2291 — “Northern Border Coordination Act”

S. 2292 — “Purchased Data Inventory Act”

S. 2293 — “AI LEAD Act”

S. 2294 — “VET PFAS Act”

S. 2295 — “LIFT Homebuyers Act of 2023”

S. 2296 — “Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023”

S. 2297 — “Parity for Public Health Service Ready Reserve Act”

S. 2298 — “A bill to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to establish the Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team grant program, and for other purposes.”

S. 2299 — “Federal Death Penalty Prohibition Act”

S. 23 — “Promoting Cross-border Energy Infrastructure Act”

S. 230 — “Rural Physician Workforce Production Act of 2023”

S. 2300 — “A bill to require that information on spending associated with national emergencies be subject to the same reporting requirements as other Federal funds under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, and for other purposes.”

S. 2301 — “American Food for American Schools Act of 2023”

S. 2302 — “Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 2303 — “Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2023”

S. 2304 — “Allied Health Opportunity Act”

S. 2305 — “Biosimilar Red Tape Elimination Act”

S. 2306 — “New Mexico Veteran Burial Dignity and Honor Act”

S. 2307 — “Fighter Force Preservation and Recapitalization Act of 2023”

S. 2308 — “Community Health Care Reauthorization Act”

S. 2309 — “Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 231 — “Emergency Conservation Program Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 2310 — “Respect for Hispanic Americans Act”

S. 2311 — “LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games Commemorative Coin Act”

S. 2312 — “Food Security is National Security Act of 2023”

S. 2313 — “Driving for Opportunity Act of 2023”

S. 2314 — “PRESERVE Online Speech Act of 2023”

S. 2315 — “Bring Our Heroes Home Act”

S. 2316 — “Land Grant Research Prioritization Act of 2023”

S. 2317 — “Organic Science and Research Investment Act of 2023”

S. 2318 — “Rings of Fire Act of 2023”

S. 2319 — “Interactive Federal Review Act”

S. 232 — “A bill to provide limits on the reduction of Internal Revenue Service user fees.”

S. 2320 — “Local School Foods Expansion Act of 2023”

S. 2321 — “Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 2322 — “Nutrition Administration Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 2323 — “Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act of 2023”

S. 2324 — “Ensuring American Security and Protecting Afghan Allies Act”

S. 2325 — “Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act”

S. 2326 — “SNAP Nutrition Security Act of 2023”

S. 2327 — “Afghan Adjustment Act”

S. 2328 — “A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to address the receipt of grant funds by employees of the United States Naval Academy, and for other purposes.”

S. 2329 — “Emerging Pathogen Preparedness Program Authorization Act”

S. 233 — “African American History Act”

S. 2330 — “Small Business Technological Advancement Act”

S. 2331 — “Cambodia Democracy and Human Rights Act of 2023”

S. 2332 — “Experienced Pilots Save Lives Act of 2023”

S. 2333 — “Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Response Act”

S. 2334 — “Housing Transparency Improvement Act”

S. 2335 — “Financial Regulatory Accountability Act of 2023”

S. 2336 — “Making Iran Sanctions Stick In Lieu of Expiration of Sanctions Act”

S. 2337 — “Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act”

S. 2338 — “A bill to provide an additional $30,000,000 for the testing of hypersonic weapon systems with the B-1 bomber, and for other purposes.”

S. 2339 — “A bill to extend the prohibition on certain reductions to the B-1 bomber aircraft squadrons.”

S. 234 — “New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2023”

S. 2340 — “Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities Act”

S. 2341 — “A bill to amend the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to authorize grants for eligible institutions to carry out agriculture workforce training programs, and for other purposes.”

S. 2342 — “Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023”

S. 2343 — “A bill to provide for the liquidation or reliquidation of certain entries of products of European Union member states, and for other purposes.”

S. 2344 — “Freedom to Vote Act”

S. 2345 — “Pediatricians Accelerate Childhood Therapies Act of 2023”

S. 2346 — “Strategy for Public Health Preparedness and Response to Artificial Intelligence Threats”

S. 2347 — “Foreign Extortion Prevention Act”

S. 2348 — “Payments Modernization Act of 2023”

S. 2349 — “Jimmy Deal Trafficking Survivors Assistance Act of 2023”

S. 235 — “Healthy Indoor Air Act of 2023”

S. 2350 — “National Strategy for Social Connection Act”

S. 2351 — “State and Local General Sales Tax Protection Act”

S. 2352 — “A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude micro-grants for food security from gross income.”

S. 2353 — “Responsible Wildland Fire Recovery Act”

S. 2354 — “Improving Agriculture, Research, Cultivation, Timber, and Indigenous Commodities (ARCTIC) Act”

S. 2355 — “Crypto-Asset National Security Enhancement and Enforcement Act of 2023”

S. 2356 — “Gene Synthesis Safety and Security Act”

S. 2357 — “Protect Children’s Innocence Act”

S. 2358 — “Sanctioning Supporters of Slave Labor Act”

S. 2359 — “Servicemember Mental Health Support Act of 2023”

S. 236 — “Early Educators Apprenticeship Act”

S. 2360 — “TEAM Act”

S. 2361 — “Senior Nutrition Task Force Act of 2023”

S. 2362 — “Drug Shortage Prevention Act of 2023”

S. 2363 — “Youth Apprenticeship Advancement Act”

S. 2364 — “Mapping America's Pharmaceutical Supply Act”

S. 2365 — “SNAP Next Step Act of 2023”

S. 2366 — “Competency-Based Education Act of 2023”

S. 2367 — “CHECKPOINT Act”

S. 2368 — “Global Investment in American Jobs Act of 2023”

S. 2369 — “PREP Act of 2023”

S. 237 — “Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act of 2023”

S. 2370 — “BARK Act of 2023”

S. 2371 — “Access to Credit for our Rural Economy Act of 2023”

S. 2372 — “Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act”

S. 2373 — “Lead by Example Act of 2023”

S. 2374 — “No Obamacare for Illegal Aliens Act”

S. 2375 — “A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 620 East Pecan Boulevard in McAllen, Texas, as the "Agent Raul H. Gonzalez Jr. Memorial Post Office".”

S. 2376 — “Helen Keller National Center Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 2377 — “Medicare Audiology Access Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 2378 — “Fueling Alternative Transportation with a Carbon Aviation Tax Act of 2023”

S. 2379 — “CHANGE Act of 2023”

S. 238 — “Safer Heat Act of 2023”

S. 2380 — “Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach Grant Program Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 2381 — “National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Data Integrity Act of 2023”

S. 2382 — “Farmland Security Act of 2023”

S. 2383 — “Smoke and Heat Ready Communities Act of 2023”

S. 2384 — “Keep STEM Talent Act of 2023”

S. 2385 — “Tribal Access to Clean Water Act of 2023”

S. 2386 — “Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act”

S. 2387 — “Wildfire Smoke Emergency Declaration Act of 2023”

S. 2388 — “Cybersecurity for Rural Water Systems Act”

S. 2389 — “Offshore Energy Security Act of 2023”

S. 239 — “Advancing International and Foreign Language Education Act”

S. 2390 — “Small Refinery Relief Act of 2023”

S. 2391 — “NFIP Extension Act of 2023”

S. 2392 — “Improving Social Security’s Service to Victims of Identity Theft Act”

S. 2393 — “Food and Agriculture Industry Cybersecurity Support Act”

S. 2394 — “Guaranteeing Unalienable and Anatomical Rights for Dependents”

S. 2395 — “WILD Act”

S. 2396 — “Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act”

S. 2397 — “WATCH Act”

S. 2398 — “Health Impacts of Nuclear War Act of 2023”

S. 2399 — “Artificial Intelligence and Biosecurity Risk Assessment Act”

S. 24 — “Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing Act”

S. 240 — “Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act”

S. 2400 — “Securing Gene Synthesis Act”

S. 2401 — “Enlist Act of 2023”

S. 2402 — “Gateway to Careers Act of 2023”

S. 2403 — “Payroll Account Guarantee Act of 2023”

S. 2404 — “Lost Opportunities to Supply Transplantable Organs Act of 2023”

S. 2405 — “Strengthening Pharmacy Access for Seniors Act”

S. 2406 — “PBM Oversight Act of 2023”

S. 2407 — “Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023”

S. 2408 — “IMPROVE Part D Regulations Act”

S. 2409 — “Regular Order for Investments of the Federal Reserve Act”

S. 241 — “A bill to designate the Department of Energy Integrated Engineering Research Center Federal Building located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, as the "Helen Edwards Engineering Research Center".”

S. 2410 — “Right-size the Federal Reserve Act”

S. 2411 — “Rein in the Federal Reserve Act”

S. 2412 — “Conservation Reserve Program Flexibility Act of 2023”

S. 2413 — “Regional Integration and Normalization Act of 2023”

S. 2414 — “Working Dog Health and Welfare Act of 2023”

S. 2415 — “Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 2416 — “Relief for Survivors of Miners Act of 2023”

S. 2417 — “Addressing Teacher Shortages Act of 2023”

S. 2418 — “I CAN Act”

S. 2419 — “No Robot Bosses Act”

S. 242 — “Caring for All Families Act”

S. 2420 — “District of Columbia Courts Judicial Vacancy Reduction Act”

S. 2421 — “Insuring Fairness for Family Farmers Act of 2023”

S. 2422 — “Acquisition Reform and Cost Assessment Act of 2023”

S. 2423 — “ADS for Mental Health Services Act”

S. 2424 — “Indian Programs Advance Appropriations Act of 2023”

S. 2425 — “Free Speech Protection Act”

S. 2426 — “Motor Carrier Safety Selection Standard Act of 2023”

S. 2427 — “A bill to amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to require group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage to permit enrollees to obtain a 365-day supply of contraceptives.”

S. 2428 — “Partnering Aspiring Teachers with High-need Schools to Tutor Act of 2023”

S. 2429 — “Promote Responsible Oversight and Targeted Employee background Check Transparency for Seniors Act”

S. 243 — “A bill to require the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to establish procedures for conducting maintenance projects at ports of entry at which the Office of Field Operations conducts certain enforcement and facilitation activities.”

S. 2430 — “A bill to amend the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 to exclude certain air emissions from emergency notification requirements, and for other purposes.”

S. 2431 — “HUBS for Veterans Act”

S. 2432 — “Bridging the SNAP Gap Act of 2023”

S. 2433 — “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act of 2023”

S. 2434 — “PACCARB Act”

S. 2435 — “Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2023”

S. 2436 — “Neighborhood Options for Patients Buying Medicines Act”

S. 2437 — “Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 2438 — “Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 2439 — “Reproductive Health Patient Navigator Act of 2023”

S. 244 — “Stop Trying to Obsessively Vilify Energy Act”

S. 2440 — “Exploitative Workplace Surveillance and Technologies Task Force Act of 2023”

S. 2441 — “Food for Thought Act of 2023”

S. 2442 — “PELL Act”

S. 2443 — “Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024”

S. 2444 — “Achieving Thorough Transparency and Accessibility for Information Navigation on Mental Health Act of 2023”

S. 2445 — “Community-Based Gang Intervention Act”

S. 2446 — “Protecting Miranda Rights for Kids Act”

S. 2447 — “Strengthening Telehealth and Education for Rural Communities Act of 2023”

S. 2448 — “Eliminating Debtor’s Prison for Kids Act of 2023”

S. 2449 — “Ensuring Fee-Free Benefit Transactions Act of 2023”

S. 245 — “Financial Institution Customer Protection Act of 2023”

S. 2450 — “A bill to improve coordination between the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation on activities carried out under the National Quantum Initiative Program, and for other purposes.”

S. 2451 — “Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act”

S. 2452 — “Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act of 2023”

S. 2453 — “Armed Forces Facility Conditions and Quality of Life Act”

S. 2454 — “Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Security Act”

S. 2455 — “Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Unmet Needs Act of 2023”

S. 2456 — “Protecting Seniors from High Drug Costs Act”

S. 2457 — “A bill to amend the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to establish an Office of Self-Governance, and for other purposes.”

S. 2458 — “Crop Insurance for Future Farmers Act of 2023”

S. 2459 — “Enabling More of the Physical and Occupational Workforce to Engage in Rehabilitation Act”

S. 246 — “Safety Enhancements for Communities Using Reasonable and Effective Firearm Storage Act”

S. 2460 — “Improving Training for School Food Service Workers Act of 2023”

S. 2461 — “College Operational Reporting of Emergencies Involving Teens and Young Adults Safety Act of 2023”

S. 2462 — “Motorsports Fairness and Permanency Act of 2023”

S. 2463 — “Ban Stock Trading for Government Officials Act of 2023”

S. 2464 — “Access to Breast Cancer Diagnosis Act of 2023”

S. 2465 — “Delivering Optimally Urgent Labor Access for Veterans Affairs Act of 2023”

S. 2466 — “False Claims Amendments Act of 2023”

S. 2467 — “ELEVATE Act of 2023”

S. 2468 — “PEACE Act of 2023”

S. 2469 — “ACADEMIC Act of 2023”

S. 247 — “Extreme Risk Protection Order Expansion Act of 2023”

S. 2470 — “IDB Transparency Act”

S. 2471 — “Federal Grants Language Accessibility Act of 2023”

S. 2472 — “USDA Communication Regarding Oversight of Pesticides Act of 2023”

S. 2473 — “Strategic Defense Logistics Improvement Act of 2023”

S. 2474 — “Share the Savings with Seniors Act”

S. 2475 — “Workplace Choice and Flexibility for Individuals with Disabilities Act”

S. 2476 — “Mental Health for Latinos Act of 2023”

S. 2477 — “Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act”

S. 2478 — “Mighty Eighth Air Force National Museum Act”

S. 2479 — “Converting Our Waste Sustainably (COWS) Act of 2023”

S. 248 — “District of Columbia Police Home Rule Act”

S. 2480 — “CHARGE Act of 2023”

S. 2481 — “IMPROVE Addiction Care Act”

S. 2482 — “Community Advantage Loan Program Act of 2023”

S. 2483 — “Strengthening Consumer Protections and Medical Debt Transparency Act”

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