Bills of the 118th Congress (Page 12)


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H.R. 328 — “To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 130 North Main Street in Blue Earth, Minnesota, as the "Jim Hagedorn Memorial Post Office".”

H.R. 3280 — “Timely Replacement Under Secure and Trusted for Early and Dependable Broadband Networks Act”

H.R. 3281 — “Transparent PRICE Act”

H.R. 3282 — “Promoting Transparency and Healthy Competition in Medicare Act”

H.R. 3283 — “Facilitating DIGITAL Applications Act”

H.R. 3284 — “Providers and Payers COMPETE Act”

H.R. 3285 — “Fairness for Patient Medications Act”

H.R. 3286 — “Securing Open Source Software Act of 2023”

H.R. 3287 — “Cable Access for Broadband and Local Economic Leadership Act”

H.R. 3288 — “Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act”

H.R. 3289 — “Wireless Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act”

H.R. 329 — “American Workforce Empowerment Act”

H.R. 3290 — “To amend title III of the Public Health Service Act to ensure transparency and oversight of the 340B drug discount program.”

H.R. 3291 — “Proportional Reviews for Broadband Deployment Act”

H.R. 3292 — “Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act”

H.R. 3293 — “Expediting Federal Broadband Deployment Reviews Act”

H.R. 3294 — “Enhancing Administrative Reviews for Broadband Deployment Act”

H.R. 3295 — “Barriers and Regulatory Obstacles Avoids Deployment of Broadband Access and Needs Deregulatory Leadership Act”

H.R. 3296 — “Wildfire Communications Resiliency Act”

H.R. 3297 — “Reducing Barriers for Broadband on Federal Lands Act of 2023”

H.R. 3298 — “BEAD FEE Act of 2023”

H.R. 3299 — “Deploying Infrastructure with Greater Internet Transactions And Legacy Applications Act”

H.R. 33 — “Medicare Dental, Vision, and Hearing Benefit Act of 2023”

H.R. 330 — “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act”

H.R. 3300 — “5G UPGRADE Act of 2023”

H.R. 3301 — “Connecting Communities Post Disasters Act of 2023”

H.R. 3302 — “Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act”

H.R. 3303 — “Maternal Health for Veterans Act”

H.R. 3304 — “Maternal Health Pandemic Response Act”

H.R. 3305 — “Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act”

H.R. 3306 — “Federal Broadband Permit Coordination Act of 2023”

H.R. 3307 — “Rural Broadband Permitting Efficiency Act of 2023”

H.R. 3308 — “Farm Operations Support Act”

H.R. 3309 — “Standard FEES Act”

H.R. 331 — “Illicit Arms Trafficking Security Enforcement Act”

H.R. 3310 — “Kira Johnson Act”

H.R. 3311 — “Coastal Broadband Deployment Act”

H.R. 3312 — “Moms Matter Act”

H.R. 3313 — “Wireless Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act of 2023”

H.R. 3314 — “CABLE Competition Act”

H.R. 3315 — “National Guard and Reservists Debt Relief Extension Act of 2023”

H.R. 3316 — “To amend titles 46 and 49, United States Code, to streamline the environmental review process for major projects, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3317 — “Rolling Stock Protection Act”

H.R. 3318 — “To amend title 23, United States Code, to establish an axle weight tolerance for certain commercial motor vehicles transporting dry bulk goods, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3319 — “Broadband Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act”

H.R. 332 — “Supporting Mexico Against Corruption Act”

H.R. 3320 — “Data to Save Moms Act”

H.R. 3321 — “Defund Cities that Defund the Police Act of 2023”

H.R. 3322 — “Social Determinants for Moms Act”

H.R. 3323 — “RAPID Act”

H.R. 3324 — “To extend the authority to collect Shasta-Trinity Marina fees through fiscal year 2029.”

H.R. 3325 — “Recruit and Retain Act”

H.R. 3326 — “HAVENS Act”

H.R. 3327 — “Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act of 2023”

H.R. 3328 — “Protecting Children From Experimentation Act of 2023”

H.R. 3329 — “End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act of 2023”

H.R. 333 — “Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act”

H.R. 3330 — “CABLE Expansion Act”

H.R. 3331 — “Improving Mental Health and Wellness in Schools Act”

H.R. 3332 — “Extending WIC for New Moms Act”

H.R. 3333 — “FEND Off Fentanyl Act”

H.R. 3334 — “Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese Communist Party Act”

H.R. 3335 — “To ensure the successful development of the electronic Income Verification Express Service of the Internal Revenue Service by amending the Taxpayer First Act to clarify that taxpayer identity verification is the responsibility of users of the system rather than the taxpayer, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3336 — “Diwali Day Act”

H.R. 3337 — “Fuels Parity Act”

H.R. 3338 — “To authorize additional district judgeships for the district of Colorado, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3339 — “Improving Reentry for District of Columbia Residents in the Bureau of Prisons Act of 2023”

H.R. 334 — “Significant Transnational Criminal Organization Designation Act”

H.R. 3340 — “GRANTED Act of 2023”

H.R. 3341 — “Respect for Workers Act”

H.R. 3342 — “SPEED for Broadband Infrastructure Act of 2023”

H.R. 3343 — “Federal Broadband Deployment Tracking Act”

H.R. 3344 — “Justice for Incarcerated Moms Act”

H.R. 3345 — “To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to extend the authority of the Federal Communications Commission to grant a license or construction permit through a system of competitive bidding.”

H.R. 3346 — “IMPACT to Save Moms Act”

H.R. 3347 — “Protect Lifesaving Anesthesia Care for Veterans Act of 2023”

H.R. 3348 — “Maternal Vaccination Act”

H.R. 3349 — “Uyghur Genocide Intelligence Review Act”

H.R. 335 — “Standardizing Thresholds Of Penalties for Fentanyl Act”

H.R. 3350 — “Historic Preservation Fund Reauthorization Act”

H.R. 3351 — “COACHES Act”

H.R. 3352 — “Improving Diaper Affordability Act of 2023”

H.R. 3353 — “Cable Transparency Act”

H.R. 3354 — “To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 North Hatcher Avenue in Purcellville, Virginia, as the "Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Post Office Building".”

H.R. 3355 — “Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program Reauthorization Act of 2023”

H.R. 3356 — “Motor Carrier Safety Screening Modernization Act”

H.R. 3357 — “Protecting America’s Agricultural Land from Foreign Harm Act of 2023”

H.R. 3358 — “Mission not Emissions Act”

H.R. 3359 — “To require the Secretary of Defense to develop a strategy to counter fentanyl trafficking in the United States, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 336 — “Finish the Wall Act”

H.R. 3360 — “National Infrastructure Investment Corporation Act of 2023”

H.R. 3361 — “To direct the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to submit a report on the digital divide and to update the Indicators of Broadband Need mapping application, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3362 — “To direct the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to publish data from the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3363 — “VA Canine Reporting Act of 2023”

H.R. 3364 — “WIC Act of 2023”

H.R. 3365 — “Supply Chain Improvement Act”

H.R. 3366 — “To amend the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 to reauthorize the First Responder Network Authority.”

H.R. 3367 — “To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the continuing operation of national cemeteries during periods of certain funding restrictions, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3368 — “Reimburse Veterans for Domiciliary Care Act”

H.R. 3369 — “Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act”

H.R. 337 — “GAS Act”

H.R. 3370 — “Reclamation of War Powers Act”

H.R. 3371 — “Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act”

H.R. 3372 — “To amend title 23, United States Code, to establish a safety data collection program for certain 6-axle vehicles, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3373 — “Sailor Standard of Care Act of 2023”

H.R. 3374 — “Early STEAM Achievement Act”

H.R. 3375 — “STOP Fentanyl Overdoses Act of 2023”

H.R. 3376 — “Enhancing COPS Hiring Program Grants for Local Law Enforcement Act”

H.R. 3377 — “End Speculative Oil and Gas Leasing Act of 2023”

H.R. 3378 — “Agricultural Security Risk Review Act”

H.R. 3379 — “PI Post Acute Access Act”

H.R. 338 — “Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax Act of 2023”

H.R. 3380 — “HEADs UP Act of 2023”

H.R. 3381 — “National Law Enforcement Officers Remembrance, Support and Community Outreach Act”

H.R. 3382 — “Colorectal Cancer Payment Fairness Act”

H.R. 3383 — “Employee Equity Investment Act of 2023”

H.R. 3384 — “Better Foreign Policy Through Better Pet Policy Act”

H.R. 3385 — “DiasporaLink Act”

H.R. 3386 — “Bottles and Breastfeeding Equipment Screening Enhancement Act”

H.R. 3387 — “No Surprise Bills for New Moms Act”

H.R. 3388 — “RAMP Act”

H.R. 3389 — “Emergency Wildfire Fighting Technology Act of 2023”

H.R. 339 — “SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act”

H.R. 3390 — “Report on Grant Consolidation Authority for Puerto Rico Act”

H.R. 3391 — “Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0”

H.R. 3392 — “Fighter Force Preservation and Recapitalization Act of 2023”

H.R. 3393 — “U.S.-Israel Cooperation Expansion Act”

H.R. 3394 — “Fund the TSA Act”

H.R. 3395 — “U.S. Supply Chain Security Review Act of 2023”

H.R. 3396 — “Fire Department Repayment Act of 2023”

H.R. 3397 — “WEST Act of 2023”

H.R. 3398 — “Safe Access to Cash Act of 2023”

H.R. 3399 — “Soo Locks Security and Economic Reporting Act of 2023”

H.R. 34 — “Assuring Medicare’s Promise Act of 2023”

H.R. 340 — “Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist Groups International Financing Prevention Act”

H.R. 3400 — “Small Businesses before Bureaucrats Act”

H.R. 3401 — “B–2 to B–21 Cost Analysis Act”

H.R. 3402 — “Power of the Mint Act”

H.R. 3403 — “Strengthening Tribal Families Act of 2023”

H.R. 3404 — “Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety and Oversight Improvements Act of 2023”

H.R. 3405 — “Housing PLUS Act of 2023”

H.R. 3406 — “Stop TSP ESG Act”

H.R. 3407 — “Empowering Law Enforcement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3408 — “Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy Safe Integrity Act of 2023”

H.R. 3409 — “Healthy Families Act”

H.R. 341 — “Protect Our Military Families’ 2nd Amendment Rights Act”

H.R. 3410 — “Sand Acquisition, Nourishment, and Development Act”

H.R. 3411 — “PATH to College Act”

H.R. 3412 — “Expanding Opportunities for Recovery Act of 2023”

H.R. 3413 — “AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023”

H.R. 3414 — “Responsible Borrowing Act of 2023”

H.R. 3415 — “Pilot Butte Power Plant Conveyance Act”

H.R. 3416 — “Youth Workforce Readiness Act of 2023”

H.R. 3417 — “Facilitating Accountability In Reimbursements Act”

H.R. 3418 — “Credit Access and Inclusion Act of 2023”

H.R. 3419 — “Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2023”

H.R. 342 — “Cost-Share Accountability Act of 2023”

H.R. 3420 — “My Body, My Data Act of 2023”

H.R. 3421 — “Medicare for All Act”

H.R. 3422 — “Judiciary Act of 2023”

H.R. 3423 — “Safeguarding American Value-added Exports Act”

H.R. 3424 — “Forest Conservation Easement Program Act of 2023”

H.R. 3425 — “Community College Agriculture Advancement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3426 — “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include expenses relating to membership in health care sharing ministries to qualify for the deduction for medical expenses, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3427 — “Mono Lake Kutzadikaa Tribe Recognition Act”

H.R. 3428 — “United States Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act of 2023”

H.R. 3429 — “New Collar Jobs Act of 2023”

H.R. 343 — “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act”

H.R. 3430 — “Spectrum Relocation Enhancement Act”

H.R. 3431 — “Spectrum Coexistence Act”

H.R. 3432 — “Telemental Health Care Access Act of 2023”

H.R. 3433 — “Give Kids a Chance Act of 2023”

H.R. 3434 — “Teaching Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History Act”

H.R. 3435 — “Charitable Act”

H.R. 3436 — “Support Our Election Workers Act”

H.R. 3437 — “Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act”

H.R. 3438 — “Military Industrial National Defense Supply Act of 2023”

H.R. 3439 — “Emergency Wildfire Act of 2023”

H.R. 344 — “Securing America’s Land from Foreign Interference Act”

H.R. 3440 — “Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act”

H.R. 3441 — “Silver Cliff Community Act”

H.R. 3442 — “America’s CHILDREN Act of 2023”

H.R. 3443 — “Foster Youth Mentoring Act of 2023”

H.R. 3444 — “Strength in Diversity Act of 2023”

H.R. 3445 — “Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3446 — “Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2023”

H.R. 3447 — “To amend title 23, United States Code, to authorize a hydrogen powered vehicle to exceed certain weight limits on the Interstate Highway System, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3448 — “American Battlefield Protection Program Enhancement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3449 — “Eric’s Law”

H.R. 345 — “Transparent Representation Upholding Service and Trust in Congress Act”

H.R. 3450 — “Veterans Administration Backlog Accountability Act of 2023”

H.R. 3451 — “Higher Education Mental Health Act of 2023”

H.R. 3452 — “Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2023”

H.R. 3453 — “Higher Standards for Higher Education Act”

H.R. 3454 — “To authorize the transfer to Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas of certain materials for the construction of the border wall, and for other purposes.”

H.R. 3455 — “Taxpayers and Savers Protection Act”

H.R. 3456 — “Upholding a Secure Postal System Act”

H.R. 3457 — “Supercomputing for Safer Chemicals Act”

H.R. 3458 — “Reinstate Our Troops Act”

H.R. 3459 — “Increasing Competitiveness for American Drones Act of 2023”

H.R. 346 — “NOTAM Improvement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3460 — “Chemical and Biological Defense Program Improvement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3461 — “Strengthening Tribal Families Act of 2023”

H.R. 3462 — “Empower Parents to Protect Their Kids Act of 2023”

H.R. 3463 — “Protecting Ballot Measures From Foreign Influence Act of 2023”

H.R. 3464 — “Affordable Homeownership Access Act”

H.R. 3465 — “To enhance Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation transparency.”

H.R. 3466 — “To enhance Financial Stability Oversight Council transparency.”

H.R. 3467 — “To enhance Federal Reserve transparency.”

H.R. 3468 — “Electric Vehicles for All Act of 2023”

H.R. 3469 — “To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 100 Mathe Avenue in Interlachen, Florida, as the "Pamela Jane Rock Post Office Building".”

H.R. 347 — “Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Act”

H.R. 3470 — “Keeping All Students Safe Act”

H.R. 3471 — “Access to Safe Contraception Act of 2023”

H.R. 3472 — “Smarter Approaches to Nuclear Expenditures Act”

H.R. 3473 — “Bicycle Commuter Act of 2023”

H.R. 3474 — “Senior Hunger Prevention Act of 2023”

H.R. 3475 — “SAFE Act of 2023”

H.R. 3476 — “Easy Access to Mail Act”

H.R. 3477 — “To require a report on the death of Shireen Abu Akleh.”

H.R. 3478 — “Conservation Opportunity and Voluntary Environment Resilience Program Act of 2023”

H.R. 3479 — “Re-Entry Support Through Opportunities for Resources and Essentials Act of 2023”

H.R. 348 — “Transparency in COVID–19 Expenditures Act”

H.R. 3480 — “Restore the Partnership Act”

H.R. 3481 — “FAMILY Act”

H.R. 3482 — “Portable Benefits for Independent Workers Pilot Program Act”

H.R. 3483 — “Strategic Nuclear Infrastructure Act”

H.R. 3484 — “Advanced Reactor Coordination Act”

H.R. 3485 — “Avoid Our Adversaries and Buy American Nuclear Act”

H.R. 3486 — “Recoup American Nuclear Global Leadership Act”

H.R. 3487 — “Advanced Nuclear Support Act”

H.R. 3488 — “BAN Fossil Fuel Exports Act”

H.R. 3489 — “Restore Veterans’ Compensation Act of 2023”

H.R. 349 — “Justice for Murder Victims Act”

H.R. 3490 — “Water Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2023”

H.R. 3491 — “POJA Act of 2023”

H.R. 3492 — “Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act”

H.R. 3493 — “ADA Improvement Act of 2023”

H.R. 3494 — “Extinction Prevention Act of 2023”

H.R. 3495 — “Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2023”

H.R. 3496 — “To make technical amendments to update statutory references to certain provisions which were formerly classified to chapters 14 and 19 of title 25, United States Code, and to correct related technical errors.”

H.R. 3497 — “Uranium Miners and Workers Act of 2023”

H.R. 3498 — “HELP Act of 2023”

H.R. 3499 — “Direct Hire To Fight Fires”

H.R. 35 — “Close the Medigap Act of 2023”

H.R. 350 — “SANTOS Act”

H.R. 3500 — “Mountain Valley Pipeline Completion Act”

H.R. 3501 — “Law Enforcement Training for Mental Health Crisis Response Act of 2023”

H.R. 3502 — “Responsible Firearms Marketing Act”

H.R. 3503 — “NIH Clinical Trial Diversity Act of 2023”

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